Oh, November

Masochism! It’s what’s for Thanksgiving dinner!

Yup. November means it’s National Novel Writing Month, a fun event where writers around the world challenge themselves to write a 50,000 word novel in just thirty days.

And after taking last year off, I’m back, baybee!

This will be my sixth year through the meat word grinder.

Along with blogging every weekday. And holding down a full time job. And having some semblance of a life.

Apparently I like the pain. 1667 words a day, here I come.

About Author


  • Anji

    I tried to send you an email earlier but it didn’t work, this is what I said:

    I was listening to the BBC at lunch time and was delighted to hear ‘Lawrence in New Mexico’. About DH lawrence and his time in New Mexico at Taos. Lots of quotes from his work – really beautiful. I thought of you while I was listening. Here is the link if you’d like to listen, it lasts half an hour and will be available for 1 week only:


    Good luck for this year’s nanowrimo!

    • Karen Fayeth

      Anji – Thanks for this link. It took until the weekend for me to find time to sit quietly and listen to this. It’s coming through my computer now.

      I love that you and I can find a common bond across several miles and a lot of ocean.

      Of course I mentioned this to The Good Man and he said “oh yes, I’ve read Dyer’s book.”

      The Good Man is very smart (and quite well read).

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