This Is Why I Went to College
So I can have a good job and a nice hard walled office.
So I can listen to my Pandora radio in my iPhone.
So I can tune it to the “60’s, 70’s, and 80’s hits” station.
Where I can hear Aerosmith’s “Dream On”, first released in 1973, and again in 1976, right in the prime of my formative years.
So that I can sit in my hard walled office and sing along.
With Steven Tyler.
“Dream ooooowwwnnn, dream oooowwwwwn, dream until your dreams come true!”
And especially this part:
“…sing with meh/sing for the yeaaahar/sing for the laughter, sing for the tear/sing with me, if it’s just for today/Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away”
And then there is that howl part on the word “away”… Yeah.
In my mind I think I can hit those same notes that Mr.Tyler could hit some 40 years ago.
Then the employee seated in the cubicle just outside my office prairie dogs up over his wall to give me a crooked eyebrow.
And I think “ffft! He was born in 1983, he doesn’t understand.”
So I go on singing. In my office. With my Pandora.
Thank you NMSU, that I may have this job with a Fortune 500 company, this office, and the ability to torture my employees on a Friday morning.
I never get tired of recycling this image. Image is of Latvian mezzo-soprano Elina Garanca and a pretty extensive web search could not net me the attribution on this photo. I found photos from that same event on the European Commission page which allows for the use of photos with attribution.