Oh Fair New Mexico At The County Fair

Look! Look! Look!!

My biscochitos (the New Mexico State cookie) won a blue ribbon at the county fair!

Yeah, baby!!

The recipe I use is from the PNM sponsored Cocinas de New Mexico cookbook. It’s the cookbook my mom used for years and now I have my own copy. Order yours here.

Upon seeing my blue ribbon, The Good Man, a city boy through and through said, “hunh….as a kid back in Brooklyn, I never could have imagined I’d be married to girl who won a blue ribbon at the county fair.” Then I reminded him that I was also in a sorority.

He actually had to wander off by himself for a bit to ponder the meaning of his life.

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  • Ephraim F. Moya


    Congratulations !!

    They’re pretty.

    El Joyero

  • Lynn

    Haha! Congratulations! You made a clean sweep at the fair, didn’t you? Of course, who could not love biscochitos? I see you went with the cinnamon-sugar topping; looks like it was a winning decision. Good for you!

    • Karen Fayeth

      Lynn – I actually entered four events and got a blue ribbon for two, so I consider that to be a REALLY good rate of return! :)

  • JamieDedes

    Congrats on all your successes. Well done.

    Now all we have to do is figure out how to make gluten-free versions. :-) Next year’s challenge.

    Loved spending the day with you.

    Big hugs!

    • Karen Fayeth

      Jamie – Thanks for slogging through that day with us! I was so happy to have you there. Family support is the best.

  • Elise

    DOOD! Congratulations–how totally cool!!! What are you gonna do with your blue ribbon? I would have it framed.

  • Natalie

    Blue ribbon is great and all but, man, I just wanna bite right into those cookies!!

    • Karen Fayeth

      Natalie – I’m not gonna lie to you…they are YUM. I’ve already eaten way too many. I introduced a friend to the delight of biscochitos and he almost passed out he was so happy.

  • Ur Bro

    Kinda unfair, i mean what can compete with that?

    • Karen Fayeth

      Big Bro – I know, right? I’ll let you in on a secret. The difference maker? Lard. Oh sure, people may *claim* they don’t like lard. But pop a lard and sugar cookie in their maw and suddenly blue ribbons appear.

  • MIck

    Old fashioned lard is the deal-winner every time. I can’t imagine moms tamales made without, much less biscos!! It’s all about moderation.


    • Karen Fayeth

      Mick – Now you’ve done it…you’ve gone and made me hungry. And let me just say, I can’t get a good tamale around here unless my mom in law makes them!!

      : drool :

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