Can Of Corn*
Every once in a while, one falls in your lap.
This week’s Theme Thursday is: beds
For some, that may end up being a challenge.
For me, not so much.
Because all week, I’ve had this topic on my mind.
On Monday as I checked into my hotel in a small town in England (population 28,339) I was tired, jet lagged, and a little sweaty from tugging my heavy suitcase through the muggy British morning.
The clerk at my hotel said “oh let’s see, yet I don’t quite have the room you requested, but I’ll just upgrade you to this other room.”
Upgrade, she says. Um hmm.
Imagine my wondering eyes when I opened the door to my home for the next five days and saw this waiting for me:
Twin beds? I haven’t slept in a twin bed since college!
Who sleeps in twin beds these days? Other than kids, I suppose. And visitors to Britain.
I damn near fell out of bed every night.
I’ve moved to a different town because of work meetings, and this evening I check into a new hotel.
I’m rubbing my hands together and hoping….
C’moooon double bed!
*Can of Corn = a baseball colloquialism meaning an easy-to-catch ball hit to the outfield.
Photo Copyright 2012, Karen Fayeth and subject to the Creative Commons license in the right column of this page. Taken with an iPhone4s and the Camera+ app.