The Laws of A State Named Denial
So. Here we are. The eighth day of the month. No big deal, right? Just like every other 8th day of any other month.
People keeping saying something about an “event” or some something or other coming up at the end of the month.
I have no idea what they are talking about.
I’m sure it’s nothing. Some fake internet celebration like that one day where everyone was supposed to leave their bank and go to a credit union.
You know, I keep trying to schedule meeting for the last two weeks of the month but everyone’s calendars are busy! I mean, all day, every day.
There must be a training session or something.
I cannot imagine what in the heck must be going on. This is just another simple ordinary month. Nothing special going on. Just another month in the year.
Not sure why, but there is a tree that has sprung up down the hallway from my office. Must be the company plant-care team trying something out. Perhaps I’ll call them and say I think it’s in the way. Hard to walk around it.
And the mail team must have dumped off some lost packages over there, because there are all of these boxes by that dumb tree.
I mean, we’re all trying to do a job here!
The grocery stores sure are playing bouncy music lately. Lots of bells. Maybe that’s the new trend in music? Sometimes it’s horns. Or heavy electric guitar. But these days, bells.
Seriously, am I missing something? It seems like everyone is up to something but I don’t know what.
Nope. It’s just another day in just another month and nowhere NEAR the end of the year because that cannot possibly be.
It’s like April, right? Of 2003? Or maybe 1999?
Because time cannot possibly be moving this fast.
It just can’t.
It can’t it can’t it can’t!!!
Greetings from the State of Denial. Population: Me.
This non-event thusly satisfies today’s Theme Thursday word: event