Keeping My Smart Assery To Myself
Today my Swedish boss (who lives in London) called me to discuss the PowerPoint presentation I’d created for him. He gets to present to a VERY big boss tomorrow and wanted to make sure he understood everything I’d written.
Boss Man was going through each slide showing me what changes he’d made and making sure I agreed.
Let’s pick up the conversation from there:
BossMan: “And so on that second to last bullet, about the contract. It’s a four years contract, right?”
Me: “Yup, four year term.”
BossMan: “I noticed on your slide you’d written four year contract. Not four years. It’s correct to say four years contract.”
Me: “In America we say four year contract. Not years.”
BossMan: “Why is that?”
Me: “Because America has bastardized the English language? Is that the correct answer?”
BossMan: “Fair enough.”
Can you tell from this conversation that it is performance review season?
If this conversation had taken place a few weeks from now, I’d make some tacky comment about how a Swede can’t possibly be expected to know English grammar rules if he can’t even pronounce a J correctly.
But not today. Nope, today I’m all sweetness and light.