Has Anyone Seen Karen?

Quick quiz: What’s this?

That, my friends, is the far corner under my work desk.

Why am I posting this?

Because my boss, the one eight time zones away, is running me ragged today. All day.




Isn’t Friday supposed to be an easy day? Put your feet up and coast?

My fingers are tired of entering numbers on spreadsheets.

My wrist is acting up from all the mousing around.

My eyes are weary of creating transitions on PowerPoint.

And I’m tired of hearing my phone ring. “Karen, that’s great! Perfect. But now could you take all the data and make it look like something entirely different??”


At one point today, I actually said to my BossMan, “Chief, it’s like that old Finance joke…what do you *want* the numbers to say? I’ll make ’em tell any story you want.”

He wasn’t amused.

Then he asked me to make another PowerPoint slide.

So for the rest of the day, if anyone other than my boss is looking for me, that’s where I’ll be.

Under my desk. In the far corner.

Would someone bring me an order of fish and chips from the cafeteria downstairs?

And a cookie?

And a beer?

And maybe some vodka.

Thanks muchly.

(Happy Weekend)
Conveniently, this week’s Theme Thursday is: corner

About Author


  • Larisa

    Ah, that man will ALWAYS look brilliant on PowerPoint, thanks to you. Have no vodka, but will whisky suffice? And would you like a doughnut with that whisky?

  • Daydreamertoo

    That would have driven me crazyyyyy! And, I would have been more than a little heavy on the impatience but, I hope the money is worth the pain in the butt!

    • Karen Fayeth

      Daydreamertoo – Ah yes, patience. I have some of that. Somewhere around here. Now where is it?

      Oh dear, I’ve misplaced my backup reserve. It must be Friday.

      LOL!! Thanks for the comment!!

  • Beth

    I like that about “What do you want the numbers to say?”. It reminds me of when I worked retail (long ago and never again) and customers would ask me, “Is this navy or black?”. If it was the right kind of person, I would ask, “Which do you want it to be?” and they would laugh.

    • Karen Fayeth

      Beth – you have invaded my brain. Today I was looking at a car I liked in the parking lot. I thought to myself “Is that dark blue or is that black?….It’s whatever I want it to be,” and then I thought of you. LOL’ing!

  • Mrsupole

    You are so funny and your boss man has no idea, well hopefully not, because I hope he has no idea that this blogsite exists. I think that you should be getting a raise because you are the one who makes him look good.

    Anyway I would send you a bottle of Tequila, out of Vodka too, and you and your other half could get stuck in a corner with you. Geez, that saying just keeps going through my head all day. I need to change it to that dumb Friday song, but maybe we should go back to Thursday, or Sunday or maybe Monday and start all over again.

    I think you should just light a fire and get a bear rug to put on the floor in front of it and just drink some margaritas or some other type of Tequila drink, yummy, and hide your phone so boss man cannot call you this weekend.

    Enjoy your weekend at your new place. And enjoy the bear rug or any rug. Lots of fun on those rugs in front of fireplaces with drinks.

    God bless.

    • Karen Fayeth

      Mrsupole – Thank you so much for all the wonderful ideas. Tequila, fire, and my man. Now that’s a weekend!!

      Thank goodness for the end of this crazy week.

      And Happy Theme Thursday!

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