New Mexico Deliciousness – Oh Fair New Mexico

New Mexico Deliciousness

Got a great link in email today from a great lady, Jamie Dedes.

Penny Postcards from New Mexico.

It’s an image collection of great old postcards from the great State of New Mexico. I love seeing how places we all know were advertised back in the day.

In fact, I think this one is my favorite.

Doesn’t that look like a fun, convivial place for a weary travel to rest and refresh? Yeah….I know the Bow and Arrow. Over there on Central. I believe they rent by the hour these days?

I like this one too:

Other than the tentative Natives, that’s pretty much how it used to look…I remember strolling around on the tarmac, going out to meet travelers and such.

Wow, good stuff. Makes me homesick as heck!


(All images belong to USGenWeb Archives Web Site)

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