She Did What?!? Ooooh Guuuuurl….
Here we are at Thursday again and that means it’s time for Theme Thursday fun.
This week’s theme is: Gossip
Or as a friend once said, “If you can’t say something nice, come sit by me.”
There are certain words that, for reasons I cannot explain, I just prefer to think of in Spanish. Chisme is just such a word. There is the relatively plain word “gossip” and then there is the inflection laden word “chisme.”
I would like to say I’m above all this chisme business. That I never sit in the passenger seat of a pickup with my best friend, Sonic sodas in hand, and cuss and discuss the world around us. I’d like to say I’m not like that, but I’d be lying.
I’m an eternal Nosy Nellie. I don’t like to get mean…I just like to know what’s going on. Call it insecurity. Call it envy. Call me irresponsible…just don’t call me late for dinner.
And let’s be honest, hasn’t Facebook just upped the ante on chisme? I mean, you can see what so-in-so is saying on their wall and then there’s the inevitable “did you SEE what she said?” or “did you SEE that picture?”
It used to be the biddies would pick up the party line and listen in on their neighbors (guilty as charged) but now it’s all out there on the interwebs.
I think it’s interesting, I looked up the etymology of the word gossip. Here’s what it said:
“The word is from Old English godsibb, from god and sibb, the term for godparents, i.e. a child’s godfather or godmother.”
Um, ok. I’m a godmother times three…so doesn’t that give me permission to cluck like a hen with all my girlfriends?
“The verb to gossip, meaning “to be a gossip”, first appears in Shakespeare.”
And I’m all literary and stuff, too!
Now…come on over….tell me, what’s the latest? You got any chisme for me?

“Don’t chat! Chatting leads to treason”
1941 Soviet era poster, used under Fair Use and found on Wikipedia