Electronic Confession
I don’t really consider myself to be a gadget kind of girl. I mean, I do like my electronic device (ahemiPadcoff) now and again, but I don’t tend to get every new device the moment it hits the market.
It’s just not that important to me. Fer goodness sakes! I still have a tube television! (*gasp*)
The iPod I use is the second generation shuffle, which is still my favorite iPod.
I do have an iPhone 4, but I bought that when I started this job almost 17 months ago. I had an iPhone 3 prior, but an OS update had rendered it unusable (sooo slooow), so I upgraded to a new device.
My iPhone4 works great. I’m happy with it. Nary a problem. Yep. It’s all good.
So I was looking in my work ordering system the other day, and lo and behold, it reported I was eligible for a phone upgrade.
And I thought naaaah, I don’t need a new iPhone 4s.
And I thought naaah.
And I thought some more.
And then I thought…well maybe.
And I thought. And thought.
And then without thinking, I ordered one.
(My employer doesn’t pay for the device, by the way. Only the service.)
Maybe I am a bit of a gadget head. At least about Apple gear. I’m quite susceptible to the magic they weave.
Do you suppose Siri will take my confession?
Bless me Siri, for I have sinned. I have lust in my heart for a device I totally don’t need.
Now where is that delivery? Huh, huh? Where? How about now? How about now?
Siri, are we there yet?
Cartoon by Nitrozac & Snaggy from JoyofTech.com
This week’s Theme Thursday is: gadget