Thermometer Leg
It’s what one of my more colorful exes called the “thermometer leg”.
Now in my later years when sweaty sleep seems to be a norm, I have to say, it works.
Like magic.
Sweet thermometer leg.
Image from Shoebox Blog
It’s what one of my more colorful exes called the “thermometer leg”.
Now in my later years when sweaty sleep seems to be a norm, I have to say, it works.
Like magic.
Sweet thermometer leg.
Image from Shoebox Blog
Time for the boringest live blog in history.
I bring to you, Live Blogging Jury Duty.
Wednesday, 6:13pm: According to the notice sent to me by the Superior Court of my home county, I am to log into their website today, enter my group number and learn my fate.
The last two times I was called for jury duty, I logged in and was told my services would not be needed.
Can I make it a three-peat?
Wednesday, 6:14pm: Ok, I’m logged in. Number entered. Ready to go. Ok. Well. It’s not good news. But it’s not bad news either.
I am on something called “telephone stand by”. So, upshot is that I don’t have to report at 8:30am. The downside is I still might have to dance with Lady Justice later in the day.
I have to check the website again tomorrow between 11:15am and 11:45am.
How is checking a website considered “telephone standby”?
So even though this thing is not over, it’s possible I can still dodge the bullet (pun absolutely, totally not kinda sorta intended).
Wednesday, 6:18pm: Mmm. Kale dip from Trader Joes. Have ya’ll tried this stuff? Deeelicious.
Should I drink some wine tonight or should I be clear headed for the morning in case I have be a jury of someone’s peers?
Wednesday, 9:36pm: *yawn*
Thursday, 5:23am: It’s almost 5:30am. My alarm clock is set for 7:30am. Why in the hell am I awake?
Oh. Right, this isn’t related to jury duty.
File this under “Live Blogging my Insomnia.”
Thursday, 10:46am: Ok, about a half hour until next check in. Weirdly, I kind of want to be called in so I can step out of the office today. A change of scenery would do me some good.
Yeah, that probably means I’ll get waived off. If you want it, you don’t get it. You don’t want it, you get it.
Fate is a fickle bitch.
Thursday, 11:17am: Ok, here I am, back on the Superior Court website.
I’m kind of nervous!
Here we goooo!
“Your appearance is not required. Please note that you are now excused and will be eligible to serve again in 12 months.”
Oh, uh.
Well ok.
Three-peat! Sort of a hollow victory, I suppose.
Onward to a regular ol’ work day.
Thursday, 11:29am: Hmm. I wonder what the special is today in the cafeteria.
Thus ends the most uneventful liveblog in the history of liveblogging.
Thanks for following along.
Image found at Change of
Baby did a bad, bad thing (with the assistance of butterfingers and gravity).
Apparently in a battle to the death, asphalt beats Gorilla Glass.
Good to know.
I suppose it could be said the timing is right since the new iPhone is due out soon. This is the perfect excuse to buy a new one.
Upon viewing my scarred device in a meeting, the IT team felt bad for me. One apps development guy said “Hey, I have an idea. You could do some testing for me.”
And he put a new phone in my hand.
The timing couldn’t have been more odd.
I guess in the wake of a $1 billion dollar verdict, going from an iPhone to a Samsung is about the most subversive thing I can do here in the Silicon Valley.
“Rebel, rebel, you’ve torn your dress….”
Photos Copyright 2012, Karen Fayeth, and subject to the Creative Commons license in the right column of this page. Photo of iPhone taken with a Samsung GalaxySIII and the onboard camera app. Photo of the Samsung taken with a busted iPhone4s and the Camera+ app.
My weekend, told in a few words with iPhone photos to illustrate.
On Friday, The Good Man and I did an early dash away from work and drove up to Napa.
We checked into our B&B and went outside to sit on their peaceful back patio to decompress after a crazy week. And to partake of the B&B’s delicious French press coffee.
Only, we weren’t alone.
This creature doesn’t belong to the B&B. No one is really sure where it came from. Creepy Stalker Chicken seemed to think we were going to feed her. She was especially targeted The Good Man who is used to being shaken down for kibble by The Feline. Apparently we were unable to escape hungry domesticated animals for the weekend.
Which kind of made us hungry. After a fantastic (non-poultry) dinner and a good night’s sleep, we headed out the next day to do what it is most people do while visiting Napa.
A lot.
Oh, and at one winery, we still weren’t alone.
Apparently Creepy Stalker Chickens were the weekend theme. This one was wearing chicken pants.
But no matter. There was still this…
And then more
And a WHOLE lot more
“Heeeeeey, schhhicken, scccchhhhicken, ssssssshicken…”
Then on Saturday night, we headed out to take in some live music at The Uptown Theater. An acoustic Roseanne Cash show (with Shawn Mullins as the opening act).
It was *awesome*.
We slept good that night. Had a kick butt breakfast.
Then sadly it was Sunday and time to head back home.
With a whoooole lotta wine in the trunk of the car.
It’s medicinal. Really.
All photos Copyright 2010 or 2012, Karen Fayeth, and subject to the Creative Commons license in the far right column of this page. All taken with an iPhone 4s and the Camera+ up, except for the Golden Gate Bridge photo which was taken with the QuadCamera app.
In honor of my beautiful, tolerant, and kind mother who was born on this very day, I present an entry that really, truly highlights just what a kind and tolerant woman she is.
And also the kind of crap my mom had to put up with in my formative years.
She deserves a better child than me, but I’m what she got. Hi Mom!
By the way, my dear mom has had to endure a lot this past week. Her oldest child (my brother) turned 50 and he also became a grandfather.
Hellova a birthday present to my dear Mom to suddenly become a great-grandparent.
And so Happy Birthday to my wonderful Mum! May it be filled with cake and fun!
And perhaps a Margarita or two.
Originally published May 11, 2011
So after having a confession yesterday about my snake flinging incident, commenter Andy D mentioned that if I’d slung the snake directly onto instead of simply near my mom, that likely I’d remember the conclusion of that story a lot differently.
Which reminded me of yet another story that took place at that family vacation house near Ute Lake.
My dad was an avid hunter and we always had guns in the house. Since my dad didn’t want us to be either scared or a little too curious about the guns, he made sure we all knew how to shoot each and every one.
On the small bit of property we owned in Cuba, New Mexico, there was a tree that had been felled by lightening. It was a huge tree, and it made a really good location for target practice. Whenever we’d go camping, my dad would bring along guns and each kid (and mom too) all had to take a turn. Dad supervised while we learned to load and shoot the gun.
I was shooting my dad’s deer rifles from a young age. All this is by way of saying that I grew up fairly comfortable around guns.
So ok.
My brother had himself a BB gun when he was a teenager, and when he went off to college, that BB gun was left at the Ute Lake house. For a while, around age 12 or so, I adopted that BB gun as my own. It had seen better days, but it worked fine and there was a big box of BBs available for my “ping!” pleasure.
I liked to shoot the gun mainly for the sound of the BBs pinging off the side of something like the old metal sided chicken coop.
Not the most ambitious of kids, was I.
On the property was a telephone pole. For reasons I still don’t fully understand, that telephone pole was covered in a very thick layer of tar. When the baking heat of a New Mexico summer day would get going, that tar would soften into a gooey mess.
So in my eleven year old mind, I had the brilliant idea that if I shot BBs at the tar covered pole, they’d stick. Wouldn’t that be so cool?
I filled the BB gun full to the brim and got to work out back shooting at that pole from a fair distance. I wanted to make it sporting. Now, hitting a decently narrow pole from a good distance is tougher than you may think. Or at least it was for me. What I lacked in aim, I made up for with single minded focus.
Well, so there I was, pumping BB’s in the general direction of the telephone pole, and my mom, wearing shorts and a sleeveless shirt, was working out in the back yard pulling weeds.
You can see where this is headed, right?
Sure enough, it was only a matter of time before I pulled the trigger, my aim was a bit off the mark and I…
Yes, I did.
I shot my mom.
In the arm.
She was, as the saying goes, mad as a wet hen. Quickly enough, a big red welt began rising on her right arm.
Let me just tell you this: I was no longer allowed the use of that BB gun. I was done. For good.
Flinging a snake? I got off easy. Shooting my mom? My oh my. I was in quite a bit of trouble which included a “talking to” from my dad.
That’s never good.
And so in the course of two blog posts, I’ve created quite the Mother’s Day meme.
(I did not, in fact, shoot my eye out. I shot my mom. Whoops.)
Photo is a still from the movie, “A Christmas Story.”