Who’s Got It Better Than Us?


Congrats to the San Francisco 49ers for their stunning victory over the Saints today to go on the the NFC Champtionship.

It’s been a long time in the making.

My MVP of the game: Vernon Davis

Photograph: Paul Sakuma/AP

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  • Frank Conway

    Oh, football. I’ve got to get a TV. But congratulations! Anyway, I just wanted to say this is one hamburgering entertaining web log. I haven’t checked in in awhile. Been too ham sandwich busy.

  • Alan

    That game was so awesome. I only was able to tune into the last minute, but I think I caught the best minute of the game.

    It’s been so cool to see this because:
    a) I grew up a Niners fan. Not living in the bay area, they’ve fallen off my radar in the last decade of sucking. Yes, I’m bandwagon, but it’s been fun to see them back and competitive.
    b) Yes, I’m an Alex Smith fan. It’s been a bummer to see him get crapped on since his arrival. Some of the issues were his fault but not to the level that he was getting criticism for. It’s nice to see his hard work and loyalty to the Niners organization pay off in some measure.

    I can’t wait for this weekend’s game. It feels like old times!

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