Whoo hooo!

Mama, I’m going to Disneyland!

Oh, ok, not really. I’m actually going to…uh, sleep.

But still, I pulled a rabbit out of my arse hat for the fifth time and completed a 50,000 word novel in less than thirty days!

Thanks to the amazing people at National Novel Writing Month for making it so much fun to rise to the challenge every year!

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  • Kath Lockett

    Well done!
    I remember absolutely relying on those study carrels at university because there was no way I could study at the college I was living in (and I'll admit to being far too easily swayed to go out partying and drinking if I tried to sit in my dorm room at the desk).

  • Karen Fayeth

    Hey Kath!

    I *might* have been a bit swayed myself….but nothing I'll admit to if pressed!


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