Where Credit is Due

For all the ways she made me who I am…

Today is the celebration of the birth of my own dear mom. I don’t think she would mind me saying that today she is 79 years old. If you met her on the street, you’d probably guess her age was much, much younger (like early sixties). That alone inspires me.

If you have read my blog for a few years, you will have learned a bit about the patience and understanding of my mother.

Here are a few choice places to get caught up:

There was the time I threw a snake at my mother.

There was the time I shot her in the arm with a BB gun.

Or when she thought I’d drowned in the bathtub.

And one of the many times I crushed the aspirations she had for me.

But mostly, a story about when she was just being, quite frankly, awesome.

I am the sum of all my parts and much of the good stuff I owe to my mom.

I am proud of her and I’m lucky she was kind enough to give me life.

Happy Birthday, Mom! You deserve cake!

Easter 1976, Albuquerque, NM. We are a good looking crew! Thanks mom!

Image from the family photo albums.

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