The Spirit of Christmas I Don’t Wanna

That’s me. See me rattle my chains.

I am such the scrooge this year, I just don’t have “that special spirit” inside of me.

I *want* to have the spirit. I just don’t. Not a bit.

You ever notice that? Some years, the whole joy of the season takes hold and it becomes a good idea to festoon every surface available with blinky lights and tinsel, guzzle eggnog and play Burl Ives on your CD player.

And some years, it’s like pain to even unfold the fake tree and plug it into the wall.

That’s me the year, the second one.

Not even rousing Xmas carols in the lobby of my building at work can draw me out of the holiday doldrums.

You know it’s bad when I mentioned to The Good Man about Biscochitos and how maybe I should again this year. But that I just *can’t* get up the energy to make ’em (despite looking forward to nipping a sip of the brandy the recipe requires).

You *know* if I can’t get it together to make cookies, then SOMETHING must be wrong with me!

I did have an hour or so of the holiday “thang” over the weekend when TGM and I went to Toys R Us to fulfill the wishes of the kids on The Family Giving Tree tags I pulled this year.

As TGM and I discussed the relative merits of one Lego Bionicle set over another, I can say that, yes, I was feelin’ it.

But then trying to get our purchases to the car and get out of the ding dang parking lot…it evaporated again.

Oh well, I can’t change the inevitable. The Hellidays will be here soon, whether I’m ready for them or not.


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One Comment

  • Elise

    Oh, sweet kitty.

    But yeah, there will be no living with her now. I say regularly resort to a little corporal cuddling. Turn her upside down, hold her like a baby, and kiss her all over the tummy. It’s an indignity that keeps them humble.

    Be sure to have plenty of Bactine handy.


    Skin grows back.

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