Sometimes Words Just Don’t Get It

This morning, I sat quietly at my desk thinking about an appropriate blog post for this warm Friday.

A post that would wrap up all that went down this week, the highs, the lows, the heat, the headaches.

I found that I just didn’t have all the words to put together in a nice clean way that would properly explain it all.

So I had a bright idea. I would get my camera out and I would take a photo.

One photo that would explain it all. A visual metaphor for the week.

So I got my gear and I polished up the lens, checked battery levels, and figured I’d go outside to take the snap.

As I worked, I thought about potential shots in my head…

A wilted red rose on a drooping bush, weary in the heat?

A great macro photo of the beat up stop sign at the end of the road?

You know…something arty like that.

With camera ready, I turned and aimed the lens out my window to be sure it was working.

That’s when I saw the perfect image.

The image that properly describes everything that went by this week. A week that a former coworker would refer to as “being pulled through the knothole.”


Here it is. I had to go no further than the table in front of the window to find my muse.

Yes, she’s awake. No, I don’t know why she’s laying there like that. She held that position for quite some time.

Right before rolling over and falling off the table, then getting stuck behind it.

If that’s not a metaphor, I don’t know what is.

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  • Elise

    Hahahahahaha ha ha haha hahahahaha schnort.

    Thanks, I needed that. :-)

  • Karen Fayeth

    Glad my special needs kitty could be a metaphor for your week too! :)

  • New Mexican

    The special needs of the "specialneeds" kitty is a trip to the Jenny Craig store.

  • Karen Fayeth

    I took the liberty of deleting your first comment since it was pretty much the same as the second.

    I figured you'd intended to comment on my cat's weight problems just the one time.


    Ohhh, don't make fun of the Feline's pudge. She's a goddess figure. Who ever heard of a skinny goddess? We're talking – you know – the Wallenburg Venus here. Anyway, love, love, love the pic. Meanwhile, Karen, you are awarded the Pink One Lovely Blog Award.I hope you will accept it. Details here:

  • Elise

    I have a coupld of speshul cats. I love speshul cats. Especially tubby ones.

    Smooch her on her big fat head for me.

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