Postcard Memories

I have been spending some time immersed in the Penny Postcards from New Mexico site (the link, a gift from my mom-in-law).

A lot of these cards predate me, but they also evoke lots of chest squeezing, heart wrenching homesickness.

My folks lived in Albuquerque back in the 1950’s, so as a kid, I loved to look through their photo albums and see my folks so young and vibrant, and the fair city of Albuquerque so sparse yet growing. A young town with an active military base.

Seeing these postcards makes me melancholy, but in that good way.

Look at this one, the venerable old Kimo Theater. A little worse for the wear these days, but still…a beautiful building.

Seeing this postcard I have a million memories of walking down Central, past the Kimo, on my way to who knows where (stores, bars, restaurants, etc!).

Speaking of Central Ave, how about this one:

Wow. Did it every really look like that? And yet, it did. Really, only in my dreams anymore, I suppose.

And this one makes me laugh right out loud.

Entitled “Scenic Drive Through Carlsbad Caverns National Park”.

Yeeeah, it might be a *bit* of a stretch to call the area around Carlsbad “scenic”, but I do love the, erm…”artistic license” they took with the colors of the landscape in this postcard:

Good stuff, fun to see all the postcards. It’s a contented sigh I have as I look through them all.

Oh Fair New Mexico…missing you today.

Happy Weekend, everyone!

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  • John

    Such timely postcards, does make me miss NM. Love your writing Karen. Hope you are doing well, Kate sent me to your blog, I must say I absolutely love it. Your writing is amazing, I am jealous.


  • Karen Fayeth

    JT!!! Well I'll be damned! Good to hear from ya!

    Thanks from the compliment! While it makes me blush, you gotta know, from you, that's high praise indeed! Thank you for that.

    Keep in touch, friend. I miss you!

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