Love in the Time of Covid-19
It’s not all toilet paper and hand sanitizer, you know.
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash
Today I reluctantly rose from bed, put some mismatched clothes on my body and headed out. The roads were unusually empty. Stopping at my neighborhood grocery store, I parked and hopped out of the driver’s seat.
Behind me I heard, “Hey! Is anyone coming?”
Assuming this was not directed at me, I leaned into my car to grab my wallet and heard again, more insistently this time, “HEY! Is anyone coming?”
Realizing this was in fact directed at me, I whipped around to see a man in a very new and very shiny cherry red Mustang. He pointed as if to show me that he couldn’t see around the large Amazon delivery van that was parked next to him, and was wary of backing out in the tightly packed parking lot.
“Oh sorry,” I said, and turned to look, the morning sun blinding me as I did.
Shielding my eyes and with a pirate’s squint I said, “Yeah, it’s okay, come on back.” I stood there waving my hand and muttering encouragement while he maneuvered his pretty vehicle through the obstacles. “Yep, keep coming. Yep, you’re good.”
Finally, the driver straightened out the wheel and put it in drive. While pulling away he yelled out the window, “Thank you! I love you!” revved the engine, and was gone.
I stood there for a minute with a perplexed look on my face.
Then laughed.
Then went inside the store. Chicken salad was my goal.

Photo by Nicola Fioravanti on Unsplash
The encounter and the sentiment stuck with me. I could easily write it off as a funny but odd human moment often found in city living. One of those “See, people aren’t so bad” kind of thoughts.
Inside the store, I walked down the toilet paper aisle (the most express way to the deli counter) and saw boxes stacked up. I saw my fellow citizens wearing face masks. I sneezed into my elbow.
While washing my hands for the umpteenth time today, I realized that a funny brief moment of human compassion had all the more resonance today. Right now.
It’s easy to separate: me vs them, you vs me, us against them all, but times of crises have a funny way of bringing people closer.
We’re all in this together. We’re on the same team. It’s us against a virus. We’re all scared. We’re all uncertain. We all just want to have a nice day.
And so this shouted “I love you” from a stranger was about the nicest start to an otherwise beautiful early-Spring day.
I did not shout anything back in that moment, so stunned was I by the declaration, but you know what Red Mustang Driver? I love you too.
Love, love, love. Maybe the Beatles had it right? Love is all you need.
But just in case, wash your hands, don’t touch your face, get some sleep, stay hydrated, and wear your seatbelt.
For when all of this is over and you are mad because I root for the wrong team, vote for the wrong person, or say the wrong thing, just know that I’ll still love you in my own Red Mustang kind of way.
This item first appeared on Medium, find more of my work @karenfayeth over there