Don’t know what you got….

I was sent off on a work excursion today and I’ll be inhabiting a hotel room in the greater Sacramento area for the week. Blogging might be a little sparse over the next few days, just FYI.

I’m not all that familiar with this area, but went out earlier this evening to find a grocery store to buy a few things to help me get through.

While wandering around the neighborhood, I rounded a corner and what to my wandering eyes should appear?

A Sonic!

We don’t have Sonic Drive Ins in the Bay Area. I’ve done without regular Sonic visits since I moved to California. They are only slowly moving in. I have to say, for so many long years there’s been a big gaping void in my soul where regular cherry limes should be.

Oh sweet mystery of life…I found you again!

Cheesy tots for dinner, on expense report! Boo yah!

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