Oh and…
The Feline would like you to know it’s cold, so if you could crank up the heater then sit down and allow me to suck all the warmth from your human body, that would be great.
Oh, and more kibble in the bowl too…
The Feline would like you to know it’s cold, so if you could crank up the heater then sit down and allow me to suck all the warmth from your human body, that would be great.
Oh, and more kibble in the bowl too…
Tonight, The Good Man and I couldn’t decide what movie to watch, so we flipped a coin.
TGM’s flip went offline, pinged off the cat and rolled across the floor.
The flip went bad since he’s accustomed to flipping a quarter for our deadlock decisions. Today all he had in his pocket was a penny.
Just not the same.
Wacked out economy.
Btw, the coin landed on tails, which means we watched The Great Debaters.
Winter has hit the Bay Area.
How do I know this for sure?
The dark skies?
The near constant drenching rain?
The hailstorm we had yesterday?
By this conversation.
Casual question: “Where is the cat?”
Reply: “On the heater vent.”
The Feline has been named “Pet of the Month” by our vet.
Oh the fame. The demands. The rider clause to be added on to her appearance contract.
“One (1) big clear glass bowl of kibble. All the irregular shapes ones picked out. One (1) bottle Evian. Room temperature.”
She’ll go from merely a pain in the patooty to insufferable.
Diva Feline.
I’ll do a tell all with the tabloids about her addiction to batting at the venetian blinds and that time I found her in a “compromising position” in the laundry basket.
I’ll have to teach her how to get out of a limo correctly, tail down, so we don’t have a little “Britney incident” on our hands.
Upshot is maybe all the media pressure will encourage her to drop those extra lingering four pounds she fights.
Do I need to find a celebrity trainer to take her on?
Hope we get a reality show out of this.
I believe in life it’s always important to have something you are looking forward to. Something that helps get your heinie out of bed in the morning so you can slog through another day.
A reason to prevail.
It can be just about anything. Heck, some folks are looking to the weekend. Others to seeing their kids at the end of the day. Everyday stuff is good, no doubt, but I’m talking the big stuff. The “ohmygoshIcanhardlywait” kind of stuff.
For me this year, it was about the wedding. Yeah, that was a doozy. A real big something to look forward to, and man did it deliver.
I remember walking on the beach with my fresh-out-of-the-package husband on the evening after our morning wedding, and I said to him “you know, we need to find something new to look forward to.”
He told me to shush up and enjoy our wedding day, and I did. Soon enough, though, he was saying it too, “we need a new something to look forward to.”
Well, we got one. Yup. Two weeks. Hawaii.
Bam! (said with all the Emeril flair I can muster)
I have never been and it’s almost like a fairy tale to this New Mexico kid to even think about going.
Sure, yeah, economic crisis, yipes, and all of that. But hey, I’m doing MY part for the economy.
The weather in the Bay Area is starting to turn decidedly frosty. The usually standoffish Feline has taken to cuddling *right* on up with her heat-producing humans. Blankets have come out of closets.
And in just two weeks, I’ll be where it’s 80 degrees and in an island state of mind.
Oh. Yeah.
And I’ll come back just in time to start my new job at a new company.
All that added up…not a terrible “something to look forward to.”