A Baseball Story of My Own
A few years back, I participated in a flash fiction writing event and drew the genre of Historical Fiction as my prompt. Historical Fiction! I had no idea what to do with that. None. At all.
I believe the full prompt was Historical Fiction, a dentist’s office, and a leather jacket.
Uh. Okay. Sure.
So off I went and wrote a story. My own little sort of baseball story and turns out it did pretty well in the competition, meaning it was good enough to get me to the next round.
After finishing the story, I’d had a bit wish that my sorta kinda baseball story would get to see the light of day, and be published during the baseball season.
Well, my wish came true. “The Dilemma” was published this past April in issue 13 of SLAB Literary Magazine.
My baseball story! Published in April! During Spring Training!!
So why am I telling you this in June?
Well, it came out in the print version in April and I decided to wait for the issue to be loaded up online before sharing. Well, Issue 13 is online, however…..my story is listed in the table of contents but it’s not printed in the online version.
I’ve sent a few notes but I think the editorial team is off on summer vacation.
While I love the folks and SLAB and am so very, very grateful they published my story, I don’t really want to wait anymore to share my little story with the world.
So I scanned that bad boy and you can read my little baseball story today, a few weeks before the All Star Break.
Here it is: The Dilemma
You can also find the link in the right side of this page.
If you take a few moments to give it a read, I’d be quite grateful. If you don’t wanna read but just wanna send “yay you” thoughts, also fine by me.
Either way, I’m going to be over here feeling pretty darn proud of myself for taking a bit of an oddball prompt and making something good.
Issue 13