Just how "natural" are we talkin’ here?
The other day, while out and about, The Good Man bought himself a bag of cough drops to try to quell the dry cough the endless exposure to indoor heating provides.
Plus, we gave the house a good cleaning over the weekend and kicked up a bunch of dust that has us both sneezing and coughing.
After purchase and back in the car, he opened up the package and popped one in the ol’ cake hole.
After a cough or two myself, I said, “may I have one?” to which he readily agreed.
I grabbed the package and flipped it over to review the ingredients.
Yep. I’ve become one of those people.
Anyhow, I try to avoid corn syrup. It’s just my own thang. Doesn’t have to be yours.
So I read off the ingredients list aloud and got to “natural flavors.”
Now, what in the sam hell are “natural flavors?”
This is the part where I make it hard for The Good Man to share a life with me.
I turn and say to him, “I hate when they list ‘natural flavors,’ I mean, what is that? It could be anything! Are these cough drops poop flavored? Poop is a natural flavor!”
The Good Man turned slowly and gave me a look and a slow head nod.
This is a look that in going on five years together I’ve come to understand means, essentially, “While you are technically correct, it’s going to be better for me in the long run if I don’t dignify what just came out of that sideways mind of yours with a response. So I’ll just nod.”
We nodded at each other for a long moment, and since my “poop is a natural flavor” just hung there in the air, so to speak, there really was no good segue.
I chose then to open the pack of cherry and whatever-the-hell-other-natural flavored cough drops and fired one into the ol’ cake hole.
It tasted nasty. I spit it back out after a minute.
“Natural flavors” are gross. And possibly poop.
I’m just sayin’.
(these are the offenders in question)