You Don’t Have to Go Home….
But you can’t stay here.
Another year over. A new one just begun.
As much as I love to decorate for the holidays, it really is depressing taking it all down.
Ah well.
What’s next?
Feliz Año Nuevo
But you can’t stay here.
Another year over. A new one just begun.
As much as I love to decorate for the holidays, it really is depressing taking it all down.
Ah well.
What’s next?
Feliz Año Nuevo
While we haven’t quite yet passed to the end of 2011, I’m already in progress on what will surely be the biggest change to impact my new year.
You see, the Good Man and I are moving house.
It’s not a big move, just a few miles away. But we are moving to a much larger place with two, count them TWO full bathrooms.
I experience waves of joy at that thought.
As the landlord is completely renovating the place (we get to move in with all new paint and floors and appliances, yay!) we won’t actually move until later in January.
Here’s the thing. I have lived in our current spot for almost eight years. The Good Man moved in almost five years back. But for me, eight long years. That’s a lot of time to accumulate crap.
A lot of crap.
Over the years, I may have been accused by friends and family of having difficulty with throwing things away.
I’m not a hoarder. Much.
I mean my place isn’t floor to ceiling with newspapers I can bear to part with, but the extra large storage space under my current place IS full of all manner of stuff that should have been thrown away or donated long ago.
It’s a lot.
The Good Man is fairly organized and keeps his stuff pretty tidy. He goes through everything about once a year and culls out, cleans out and donates.
Me. Not so much.
So laying ahead of me, I have a fabulous future with a shiny new home. It has a fireplace! And a deck. And an actual living room.
Surrounding me, I have boxes and bags and barrels of crap to sort through.
I pledged this week that I’m off work to clean out everything under the current house. So instead of enjoying my bright future, I am lost in my past.
Today I went through a huge box of papers, bills and receipts. This is my personal weak spot. For some reason I think I need to keep every receipt I ever get. The Good Man has me on a rehab plan so I don’t keep doing this.
But today I shredded the original registration papers on the Jeep I bought in 1995. The State of New Mexico charged me forty-eight dollars to register the first car I bought with my own money. I miss the days of forty-eight dollar car registration.
I traded in that Jeep on a new one in 2001. So I kept an almost seventeen year old document on a Jeep I sold ten years ago from from a state where I no longer live.
It’s like that.
I remember talking to my mom in the year after my dad had passed. She was going through everything they owned with plans to eventually sell their house and move somewhere more manageable.
In the stuff, she found a box of papers that my dad had kept. In this box were bills and receipts that dated back to the first year of their marriage. They were married for forty-five years.
Mom fired up a burn barrel and alternately cried and cursed while disposing of the stack of paper that had (unknown to her) been a part of her life for her entire marriage.
Today, as I shredded, I thought about that. I though about how mad The Good Man would be if I died and left him with all of this crap to sort through.
I have to strive to be better, to get rid of stuff more often, to keep my piles of crap under control.
This move is good. It’s a good idea to force myself to clean out my mess. It’s a good idea to have a new start.
My future is bright. But I gotta sort through my past first.
Image from The Magic Forest.
This is an early entry for this week’s Theme Thursday fun. This week’s theme = future.
This weekend kicked off the 40th Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. I was in Southern New Mexico (and had a great time!!!) but wasn’t able to roll up to Albuquerque to check it out…which leaves me kind of heartbroken.
I’d wanted to be there this year, but I have to be a grownup or something and be at work this week. Durnitalltoheck!
But thanks to my friend and fellow blogger NewMexiKen, you too can experience what it’s like to see how a hot air balloon gets inflated.
His description and photos match my personal experience to a tee. Well done Ken!
Read: The Albuquerque Box
Photo copyright 2011, NewMexiKen
Back in 2006 when I met the product called Sirius, I was enchanted. It was a whole new way of listening to radio. Fewer commercials, more choices, and lots of stations that let me listen to whatever I wanted to whenever I wanted to.
For several years, we were together, and musically I was very happy.
Over time, the renewal price of my Sirius subscription started going up and the quality of the programing starting going down. During the time I took a sabbatical from work, I looked for every possible way to cut costs.
So I broke up with Sirius.
Sirius had a hard time with the end of our relationship. Sirius didn’t really want to let me go. Sirius still calls, email and snail mails me several times a week.
Bright yellow envelopes in my mailbox shout “We want you back!”
No, honestly, they actually say that. It’s weird. Soon Sirius will start writing me bad poetry.
Well I’ve been back on the job for a while now and while I *could* sign up again with Sirius, I just don’t want to. I’m over Sirius.
The trouble is, there hasn’t been a respectable suitor to take its place. I listen to some form of music in my office while I work all day (we’re talking a good eight to ten hours a day of music) and I have tried just about every local radio station I can get. They all suck.
So I did what I usually do. I whined to The Good Man.
Who replied, “Have you tried Pandora?”
Why no…I hadn’t.
So I downloaded the free application to my iPhone and started listening.
Last week I finally dug down into the instructions and figured out how to not just listen to the stations already set up, but instead program my own station.
Oh my. I’m in love.
Deep love.
I am all about Pandora, now. ALL. ABOUT. PANDORA.
Sorry Sirius. You can’t have me back. I’m with Pandora now.
And I like it.
** By the way, I wasn’t paid for this, I just wanted to talk about my feelings.**
Today on my regular noontime walk, my walking partner told me a story that I decided I needed to share.
I’m going to tell you this story using the first person voice, as though my friend were telling this story directly to you. I think that point of view lends itself to the events of this story.
Ok, here we go.
“So on Friday while you were in all of those vendor meetings, I came out for a walk with Susan (not her real name).
We were about halfway around the pond when we saw this caterpillar, at least I think it was a caterpillar. It wasn’t fuzzy but it was a big fat thing, bright green and its markings made it look like it had a smiley face on its back.
We were so into this caterpillar, he was so cute. Just the sweetest little worm guy!!
We noticed he was right in the middle of the walking path, and with all the foot traffic, we were concerned for his safety. So I used a stick and a leaf and brushed him over into the grass.
Whew, I was so relieved to get him off the path. I felt so proud that I’d saved his little life.
On our next loop around, we looked for the green smiley face and sure enough, he was over in the grass, munching on a nice juicy blade. He looked so happy!!
We were like Yeah! I think if the green guy could have given us a little wormy thumbs up, he would have. It was just the coolest thing!!!
This just made my whole day. My whole week!
So on our next loop around, we got to the same spot, we looked again for our new little green friend, but we didn’t see him. We were both looking off into the grass searching for him. I started to get worried. I wonder where he’d gone off to. I really hoped he was ok.
I turned my head back forward and said to Susan, ‘I hope he didn’t get back on the walking path.’
That’s when I felt a splurt under my shoe.
I hoped it was goose poop. I prayed it was goose poop.
It wasn’t goose poop.”
My friend was so very terribly distraught telling me this story. Hand wringingly upset.
She is very much an animal person. This is the same lady who shouted at the geese to come back in off the road, and they obeyed.
Four days later, after the events of Friday, and her voice still quavered as she told me this story.
Her eyes were a little misty.
It is wrong that I laughed really loud and from deep in my belly?
Yeah, I thought so too.
Just going to have to add that to my “sins I must atone for later” tab.
Public domain image from