Belated Birthday Love

Last week, on the occasion of New Mexico’s 100th birthday, I had this great plan to feature a little blast from the past, a medallion from New Mexico’s 50th birthday, along with some recollections from my mom who was living in New Mexico in 1962.

When I asked the Queen Mum to wax nostalgic, she reminded me that in 1962 she was pregnant with my big headed and breach oriented big brother, my dad was a full time student at UNM, working on his engineering degree, and there was a lot going on in her life. New Mexico’s 50th anniversary sort of passed her by.

And then the USPS dragged their postage stamped paws on delivering my package.

So now it’s four days past the birthday and, well. Best laid plans and all that.

So what the heck, here’s this fun little collectable anyway. I found it on eBay and bought it for a rather small sum. I don’t imagine it has much value beyond sentimental, but I think it’s pretty cool.

Wonder if the state will do something similar for the 100th?

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  • Ur bro

    Yep that’s me….

  • Mom

    Plus the more than full time job and typing and editing for the wannabe engineer.

    • Karen Fayeth

      Mum – Good points!! A LOT going on back then!

      Actually, this reminds me of a quote from an article by Michael Swickard in which he recalls interviewing a rancher, Bill Gallacher (his grandkids are friends of mine), who was in New Mexico on that first day in 1912.

      “…on the day we became a state I got up about an hour before dawn, had a little breakfast and at first light went out to tend to sick animals, kill coyotes and do all of chores that used up the entire day so that about an hour after sunset I came back and had a little supper and went to bed. I was cold, tired and hungry. I would not have gone into town for a celebration.

      “The truth is most of the working folks back then never even noticed statehood for the first 25 years or so. We were too busy just trying to stay alive, to feed ourselves and to carve out a place that would become our home…”

      Fifty years later, for my little pregnant hardworking mom, it was a lot the same.

      Perhaps that is the legacy behind the history of New Mexico.

      Thanks, Mom!

      • Ephraim F. Moya


        Based on what you said your dad was struggling with basic calculus at the same time I was struggling with ‘advanced’ calculus. That was the hardest thing I ever had to do at school. Fortunately, New Mexicans are good at math.

        What good (and bad) memories. I got married in 1961 and I remember me doing homework while pregnant Mary typed my class notes. (among other things ;-)

        El (muy) Viejo

        ps. Take a look at the photos at where the slides album and negs album show many school pics of me and Mary.

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