The times, they are a changin’….

Just read in the ABQjournal today that the ancient and well established (though closed for some time now) Ice House strip club in downtown ABQ is getting repurposed.

As a teen oriented arts and entertainment center.

The irony isn’t lost on me.

Thanks, Oh Fair New Mexico, for the mirthful smile this morning.

It is a fine use for that old place, IMHO.

Remember the scandal it caused when the Ice House first opened? Back then we would have never guessed the demise….

New Mexico Deliciousness

Got a great link in email today from a great lady, Jamie Dedes.

Penny Postcards from New Mexico.

It’s an image collection of great old postcards from the great State of New Mexico. I love seeing how places we all know were advertised back in the day.

In fact, I think this one is my favorite.

Doesn’t that look like a fun, convivial place for a weary travel to rest and refresh? Yeah….I know the Bow and Arrow. Over there on Central. I believe they rent by the hour these days?

I like this one too:

Other than the tentative Natives, that’s pretty much how it used to look…I remember strolling around on the tarmac, going out to meet travelers and such.

Wow, good stuff. Makes me homesick as heck!


(All images belong to USGenWeb Archives Web Site)

Time for some honesty, here.

I believe I’ve arrived at the time of my life where I need to be honest with myself, my fans, and my fellow mankind.

Yes, it’s true, I have used. Used a questionable substance. Used it real good.

In my twenties, I was strong. I eschewed this terrible enhancement. I was totally clean, and felt righteous and strong, though brittle. I was able to use the sheer force of my will to avoid using. A moral victory.

In my thirties, it was harder to get there, harder to be as successful, so with the guidance of a certain suspect doctor, I reintroduced this substance into my world, using as often as possible. In public. I didn’t even try to hide it.

I sometimes even used with my best friend. And my own family.

My sister is a known user. We use together. She has even drawn her children into the circle of usage. Those young’uns love the stuff.

My husband uses too.

I know there is a growing sentiment against this substance, but it helped me. Truly. Got me past the difficult times. Gave me a sense of peace when it seemed the whole world was upside down. Helped me be grounded. Right next to a stack of pancakes.

Maybe I was just young. Naive. Didn’t know better. Listening to bad guidance. Following the crowd. Trying to be one of the team. Just working to be popular.

I did it for the fans.

Yes, I’m a user. I own it. It makes me a better person.

I still use. You people can’t stop me.

That’s how you own it, ARod, you lying sack of ____.

Friday, oh my Friday

So happy you are here.

I wouldn’t even mind being a DMV employee. Sure, I wouldn’t get paid, but furlough Friday sounds not so bad.

Oh, and also, rain, rain, go away. Unless you live in Bolinas. Then bring a gully washer.

Mainly. I’m happy for the weekend. Happy Friday to you, wherever you are.