Your Moment of Zen

Because I feel I cheated my ownself by writing a blogpost today derivative of one of my own from just three months ago, I decided to round out the day with a peaceful thing.

This photo was taken at Stow Lake in Golden Gate Park. It was late in the day after we’d been to the King Tut exhibit and then the Japanese Tea Garden.

It was about 6:00, the fog was in heavy which makes for AWESOME photography. The colors just pop.

This was done on a point and shoot Sony Cybershot. The photo is in no way profound from a photographic standpoint. It’s even a little out of focus. Who cares….

Someone fashioned a simple little sailboat with a bit of bark, a large leaf, and some masking tape. It worked too, that little guy zipped nicely along the water.

It was a sweet surprise in a day full of fun.

Click image for larger version.

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  • Addiction

    I have a question….Are you diabetic? Or just want to cut out sugar because you think it's the devil. Too much sugar is not good for you granted. I'm no doctor but I'd die without a little sugar. I mean what do you eat, everything has sugar in it even french fries. I work at a drug rehab
    and and had never worked out in my life before I came here, this is my suggestion to you if you don't work out you should start and if you can NOT eat sugar for 2 weeks the craving for it will pass.

  • Karen Fayeth

    Hi Addiction! No, not a diabetic, and no, I'm not cutting out ALL sugar. But I am cutting out the extraneous sugar, like a candy bar in the afternoon, ice cream after dinner, coffee with cream and brown sugar. Trying to reduce the sugar, add in protein and veggies and yes, as you said, exercise.

    I agree, you can't get away from sugar entirely. I'm trying to cut back the extras because when I eat a lot of sugar, I go on the insulin roller coaster. I get the afternoon hungries, eat candy, feel great for a while, then get that inevitable drop off and feel like crap just in time to go home.

    It's about heathy food choices. More protein. Esp when eating a lot of carbs (like sugar) to help level the blood sugar.

    Thanks for the thoughts! All good stuff!

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