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  • Lucky

    Sadly, that very skill is what counts as “test-prep” in some places.

    A student learns to recognize what kind of question it is. Is it an inferencing question? Is it a question where you can just copy a sentence from the text? Is it a setting question?

    Then, given that information, students guess at the answer. Seriously. God forbid they learn to comprehend what they read in order to answer questions.

  • Karen Fayeth

    Lucky – I’ve always thought multiple choice tests were awful. Seriously, someone with good guessing skills can do pretty well. Hell, most major college entrance exams are multiple choice with no space for “showing your work” on math questions or showing you can put coherent sentences together for language skills.

    That said….day in and day out at my job, I’m guessing at the right answers to our business problems because god knows there are no clear answers to this stuff. I’m making it up as I go along……

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