Winning is Like…Better Than Losing*

In 2011, I did NaNoWriMo, the writing challenge where you try to write 50,000 words in 30 days, and for the first time in seven years of participating in the annual event, I failed to cross the finish line.

I mean full on fail with sad trombones and tiny violins. I even blogged my lament.

Now here we are in November 2012 and it is NaNoWriMo time again. I ended October feeling nervous and remembering my big fail from last year. I wavered and fretted and finally decided to try again.

But I went ahead and jumped into the challenge. I squinched down my shoulders, hunkered down with my laptop, and by god, on Wednesday night, I did it.

Whew, it was a great feeling to cross the finish line again.

Rock on!

*With a nod to Bull Durham for the post title.

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  • Lucky

    Hurrah! One of these days I’ll do it. If I can crank out a 5 page paper in 2 hours (or could, 20 years ago), I can get do 40k words in a month. I think.

    • Karen Fayeth

      I think so too. It’s one of those deals where in the middle of it I’m like “there is no way I can get this finished” and then I finish and say “oh, that wasn’t bad at all.”

      Crazy fun, though. And a great feeling of having accomplished something.

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