Tis the Season – Oh Fair New Mexico

Tis the Season

Halloween is nigh, only a couple days away. I do love Halloween, it’s all sorts of fun. Halloween has always been the San Francisco version of Mardi Gras. Not this year, I guess. SF has decided the fun in the Castro is too dangerous and have clamped down. The Mayor cancelled Halloween! Oh well, SF will find a way to party, I’m certain.

Meanwhile, The Cute Boy™ is something of a Halloween grinch. We’ve made plans to be out on the 31st (shades of my folks…their wedding anniversary is the 31st and every year I had to *wait* until they came back from anniversary dinner to go trick-or-treating. It was agony.) But that’s ok, I’ll get a nice dinner out of the night so I can’t complain. Plus I’d eat all that candy I would have bought…so maybe this is saving my waistline.

But we did have Halloween fun this weekend. A friend threw a pumpkin carving party with great eats.

Here’s our creation, I’m pretty proud of it:

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One Comment

  • Natalie

    That is, by far, the absolutely *coolest* jack-o-lantern I’ve ever seen! I didn’t see it, at first, but once I did I was like, “Wow, S, check this out!”

    We love Halloween, Wiccan-witchy-girls that we are… actually, more like psuedo-wiccan-witchy… The full moon was spectacular last week and just happened to be full on the day my store was robbed. Coincidence? I think not…

    We still have to get the boys their costumes. We’ll probably do that tonight with every other procrastinating parent in ABQ. There is no way in hell I’m goin’ to WalMart. We did that last year and it was painful.

    Enjoy your holiday… have a ghoulishly good time!

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