Really? No, can’t be. But it is.

Labor Day. A nice three-day weekend. A day off that signifies the end of summer.

WHY GOD WHY!?!?!?!?!?

I know I can’t regulate the passage of time, (cuz if I could I’d have a lot fewer birthdays I’ll tell you that much…) but COME ON! How did the summer slip away so fast?

Here we are again. September.

Heck, the frappin’ New Mexico State Fair (Oh, excuse me, Expo New Mexico) is just around the corner…like…starting on Friday.

The days are noticeably shortening.

Before you know it, Halloween will arrive with the chill it brings in the evening breeze. (the stores already have Halloween candy on the shelves!)

Pretty soon it will be five freaking thirty in the evening and pitch black outside…while I toil away at work.

Then the time changes.


The Good Man spent some time last night explaining to me, again, how September and October are the *best* months in the Bay Area and I should be happy for Indian Summer. I am not.

I need sunlight! I’m a wilting flower in the hazy, cloudy skies!

(she says, whimperingly, while it’s planned to be 90 degrees here today…)


Seasons change. People change.

Basically, if I could go back to the week of my honeymoon in the heart of summer, sitting under an umbrella by the beach, happy hour at sunset…THAT would be great.

Instead I stare mournfully out my window…at work.

Maybe this is less about the seasons on the calendar and more about the seasons of my life, eh?

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One Comment

  • Natalie

    I know Summer is your favorite. Fall is mine and I blame that on living in Arizona for thirteen years. Too much of a good thing is not necessarily a good thing and there was wayyyyyy too much sun in AZ.

    It’s cooling off here… We’ve had every window open for over a week now. There’s a lovely breeze at night and it’s still warm and sunny during the day. It smells heavenly. People have just started to burn in their fireplaces at night. Pinon… Mmmmm… Chile’s roastin’… corn’s comin’ in… Wagner’s opens this week. I can hardly wait. I now have weekends off and can go to the farmer’s market on Saturdays. Yum! I’m gonna buy a shitload of roasted chile this year and freeze it.

    And… coffee… more coffee… I’m still an addict and love me some good coffee, early in the mornin’, when the house is still quiet.

    While I miss the Bay Area… I don’t miss the grey skies.

    I’ll send a little sunshine your way whenever I can.

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