Oh Bill….

Been watching with keen interest the run New Mexico’s governor is making at the White House.

He’s an interesting guy. Honestly, not one of my favorite people (for a variety of reasons dating back to his years as Congressman) but in a weird way, I’m pulling for him.

Though if he actually wins, I might have to reassess my citizenship….but not to worry, it’s a long shot at best.

So the article in Saturday’s Albuquerque Tribune titled, “Richardson comfortable in Mideast, needs work in Iowa” had me laughing by title alone. Cheers to M.E. Sprengelmeyer of the Rocky Mountain News for the sense of humor.

Quoting from the article, this is the part that had me sucking in air through my teeth and exclaiming….”Oh, Bill…”

“DENISON, Iowa — In case Gov. Bill Richardson wasn’t sure where he was on Friday, a gray-haired woman spoke up from the crowd at Central College in Pella.
“This is Iowa,” she said pointedly. “What’s your agriculture policy?”
The first words out of Richardson’s mouth: “I’m not an expert on agriculture.”



Then later in the article.


“I was embarrassed for him,” Shivvers reported. “I’m impressed with the man, but he’s going around Iowa blathering this? He’s in Iowa. He needs to say something other than these support-the-farms blahs.”


Doh! Well, Bill is a nothing if not a smooth talker and I’m sure he’ll find a way to smooth over the ruffles there in Iowa given how important Iowa is to the race.

But…just…ouch. While I appreciate our rasquache governor, I’m not sure rasquache makes it to the White House.

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