Karen go *bonk*

I have this nasty little problem.

I fall down.

I’m a faller.

‘Tis true. I don’t know why this is, I just seem to have a propensity for one moment standing, next moment I’m a tornado of arms and legs and I’m startled to be laying on the ground.

I’ve had times in my life when it was really, really bad. Especially right after I’d first moved to California.

I am a sensitive kid, and I do tend to get a little sensory overloaded. Moving to California all by my little lonesome could quite handily be filed under “a skosh overwhelming”.

In the first six months I lived here, almost daily I either locked my keys in the car or fell down, or both.

It usually happens when I’m a little too much up in my head, not feeling grounded, not paying attention.

The last big fall I took was last December. So see, I’m doing pretty good! I mean, I hardly ever fall down anymore.

I had a really smokin’ No Fall streak going…until Saturday.

There I was at the day field trip for my photography class. I was feeling *so* great because I was getting some amazing shots, feeling all artistic, and yes, I’ll say it, a little smug and self-satisfied with myself.

And so as I was leaving the Rodin Sculpture garden to scale the concrete steps leading into the Cantor Arts Center, I was smiling to myself, feeling happy, folding up my tripod, bopping along and then, as fate will do, I missed the top step, bobbled, and fell.

My tripod went clattering. My knee hit first, then my elbow, then my chin (oooh, took it on the chin!).

Then, somehow, gravity took over from its old friend momentum, and my legs were then flung askew and above me.

As The Good Man says, “When you can see the sky between your shoes, it’s not going to be a good day.”

I had the definite sensation that I was going to go clank-clanking down all the stairs. And I knew that would be a bad thing.

So I’m not sure what I did, but I was able to clench, or grab or lean or something, but I stopped my downward thunking progression.


I got myself upright again, and sat on that step, midway down the approximately fifteen-stair set of steps, and just…stopped.

I gazed out on the Rodin Sculpture Garden and shook my head.

And sighed.

My tripod was several feet away, my backpack was laying in the opposite direction, and the camera around my neck was still there, but the telephoto part of my very nice lens was stuck at an odd angle.

If I were skiing, they refer to that as a “yard sale.”

Thankfully, only my pride was seriously hurt.

Sorry for the angle up the ol’ double cannons there. At least I don’t have crazy nose hair!

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  • Elise

    OW! You poor thing–that actually looks like it hurt. Still. Aren't you lucky. If I'd gone down half a flight of concrete stairs, I'd have broken all kinds of crap.

    And isn't that strange–my best friend, Heather, is a faller. I never once considered it might be related to stress or emotional discomfort, but that sure makes sense. Everything being connected and all.

  • H

    OH, I am SUCH a faller. And it's always stress-induced, really. I recently fell UP a bunch of concrete steps at the university – with sure, like 20 'kids' looking on – at the old lady falling, falling. So when I get all stressy, I think to myself, "Heather, you need to keep yourself UPRIGHT! Watch those knees – ooh there's a rock – careful!" hahaha

  • Karen Fayeth

    Thanks for the sympathy! Much needed. It was one of those deals where it didn't really hurt at the time, but as the day progressed, everything started aching and the bruises got purple.

    It took me a while to put two and two together about my falling down. But checking in on my emotional state when it happened gave me some clues.

    Much good thoughts to your friend Heather, a fellow faller!

  • Karen Fayeth

    Oh H, you and me are soul sistahs! I thought I was the only one who could manage to fall UP a flight of stairs!

    Thank you!

    And oh isn't an audience SO great? That best! Grrrrrrr…

  • Lucky

    Karen you are definitely not the only one!

    Last year, my partner, who is also a stress (but sometimes random) faller, was walking along with some groceries and just fell over, right on her chin. Similar cut, but she managed to give herself a concussion and break two teeth.

    Hope you heal up nicely without dental surgery!

  • Karen Fayeth

    Lucky! Yikes! I was pretty glad I didn't end up biting my tongue. And I'll admit, my front teeth ached for a while, so I can totally see how breaking teeth is possible. Wow!

    I'm actually startled and happy to hear I'm not the only one who loses gravity when things get tense. It gives me comfort.

  • cube

    Wise words, indeed.

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