Grown Up Decisions, Made by Comparison

The scene: The Good Man and me, at the furniture store. He’s on one end of a really nice couch. I’m at the other.

We both have our feet up on a fabulously cool ottoman/bench.

He digs the couch. A lot. I like it, but I am a little hesitant. It’s absolutely unlike anything we’ve looked at all day. The color and the fabric are exactly what he said he didn’t want.

Also, the style is very modern and I’m generally a more traditional sort of gal.

I’m wavering. It’s cool. Very cool. But it’s out of my zone.

Here’s where we pick up the conversation.

The Good Man: “So. Let me ask you this question: Would your dad buy this couch?”

Me: “Oh hell no. He’d say it’s impractical.”

The Good Man: “Right! Now let me ask you this question. Would *my* dad buy this couch?”

Me: “Oh hell no. Same reason.”

The Good Man: “There you have it.”

And there he had me. Snared me in his blend of logic and emotion. Mixed to perfection like a spousal apothecary.

Damn the man who knows which levers to pull in my brain. Damn him, I say!!

And I mumbled something similar under my breath as I got out a credit card and handed it over to the salesguy.

It is a pretty chula couch with two matching chairs and the bench/ottoman for resting toesies.

I just hope I’m cool enough to own it.

Damn it! I can’t believe I bought a couch without knowing THIS masterpiece was on the market! GAH!

Photo from I Can Haz Cheeseburger.

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  • Natalie

    Buying furniture, especially seating, is not easy. I always wanted one of those down-filled couches from Pottery Barn. Really comfy. Pottery Barn is not what it used to be and, recently, I sat on one of their couches. Totally not what it used to be for only ten thousand dollars.

    Here’s hoping your butts love the couch as much as your aesthetic eye.

    • Karen Fayeth

      Natalie – 10k. For a couch? Hell no. And like you say, for that much, you better love that couch so much you want to marry it.
      So the couch is supposed to be here Friday. I’m pretty darn excited. Buying a new couch is SO gosh darn grown up.

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