Going cold turkey

You see, I have this little morning ritual. A morning check in, if you will. First I get on the scale. Then I check my investment account.

This had been going good for a while. One was going down, one was going up and that gave me a self-satisfied smirk to start the day.

Since, oh, about November, one is still going up and one is still going down, but not in that “isn’t it great to me be” kind of way. More in that lurch of the stomach at the twist in the roller coaster kind of way.

The ubiquitous “they” say you shouldn’t weigh yourself every day. “Too much fluctuation” they say.

I’m thinking that’s true of my investment account too.

Or maybe I should just stop checking it at all……..

And that scale. Ay yi yi!

Going cold turkey on both.

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