Feliz Dia de los Muertos

Feliz Dia de los Muertos! On this day may you remember your loved ones who have passed on. Today I honor all four of my grandparents, my father and my best friend from high school.

May they walk in peace and enjoy a tasty pink cookie and some tequila on their journey.

My sugar skull looks a little more cranky than I had intended.
And yes, I slapped an Instagram filter on there. I don’t care what that says about me.

Oh yes, this is one of my favorite times of the year. I love Day of the Dead and all the traditions that go with it.

I also love the art and I love making my own Day of the Dead art too. (may I never forget my New Mexico roots)

Since I haven’t really had my crafting skills on much lately (work and life and no craft space in the new apartment) I was sort of jonesing for some day of the dead art.

All it took was a few office supplies and a really long and incredibly boring conference call.

Much love and peace to all as they remember in their own way.

Happy Weekend to all!!

Photos and drawing Copyright 2012, Karen Fayeth, and subject to the Creative Commons license in the right column of this page. Photos taken with an iPhone5 and the Camera+ app.

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  • Lucky

    I was remembering my mother-in-law. . .her illness was the reason for our move back to the East Coast, but she dissed us and died before we got here! I’m sure she’s having a glass of champagne. Maybe someone will share a pink cookie.

    • Karen Fayeth

      Lucky – I am so sorry for your loss and for your wife who has lost her mother. Losing a parent is a deeply sad experience and my heart goes out to you both.

      As an aside, are you living back east now or did you stay in NM?

  • Lucky

    No, we’re back east. I miss NM, but once the ball started rolling (I got a great job, our house sold in 12 days), it seemed like it was still a good option. The 3 remaining parents aren’t getting any younger, and we’re the siblings with no kids, so. . .I miss the Sandias desperately, though. There is beauty here, but nothing so magnificent. And the sky is all hemmed in by trees. And trees. And trees. Sometimes it seems like this place is just too green and alive!

    • Karen Fayeth

      Lucky – When I was a kid, my Dad took me back to Ohio where his folks were living. I whacked out! Too much green! I couldn’t see past the end of the backyard. Where were my open skies? And my beloved brown tones? Plus..um, humidity. Ugh!

      Congrats on your new home! From one ex-pat to another. ;)

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