Oh Fair New Mexico, how I love, I love you so…
“A crew working on state government’s Rail Runner commuter train cut a fiber-optic cable in Santa Fe Thursday, jamming telephone lines, cutting off Internet and cell phone service and causing other problems over much of northern New Mexico outside the capital city.”
Living in the Silicon Valley, this kind of stuff is a HUGE deal. Not to under evaluate the effect on Santa Fe, just sayin’…if this happened here, lawsuits would begin flying.
Since part of what I do in my job is manage the telco requirements of my company, every time I do a contract, THIS is what I have in mind when we talk network diversity.
If someone (or many someones) isn’t fired over this, they oughta be.
One Comment
Hi Karen. Sure, we’ll have the usual investigation, line up the usual suspects and settle for a couple of bucks for hush mnoney. Usual N.M. style.
Our governator’s Rail Runner has cost the tax payers every minute of its existence. Car wrecks, communications outages, higher than guessed at costs, eternal repairs and the cost, supposedly, was to be only a million a year has turned into a million a month. Hooray for the carpetbagger.