Oh Dear!

I believe we have a rogue deer in my part of the world.

How, might you ask, would I know that?

Because, I am a woman of New Mexico, daughter of a hunter and champion poo identifier.

That, my friends, is a healthy, well-fed ruminant.

So normally this wouldn’t bother me, but this little deposit, made Saturday evening, is located less than a foot from my home.

True, I live pretty much in the suburbs, but it’s not THAT suburban. We do have some open land a couple miles away from us, but it’s pretty tight housing and people where I’m at.

Here in California, we are SO anti the mountain lion, one gets spotted at a fair distance and the *freak* out happens. Quickly it’s captured and relocated or killed.

See, if we hadn’t killed all the mountain lions, those stick-legged animals wouldn’t be leaving their leavings in my front yard!

That’s the circle of life, people!

I’d be more than happy to help Bambi the Yard Visitor make his or her way onto my dinner plate, but noooo, California can’t have *that*.

Bambi is cute and doesn’t have sharp paws, so he gets to stick around, ruining fences, gardens and causing havoc but the feline meat eaters get ostracized.


(Note to my readers: oh yes I DID just post a poo photo on my blog! If the award winning Pioneer Woman can do it, well, so can I!)


But in a good way.

Had the opportunity today to go to a “town hall” with the new VP of my group.

Due to the merger with another, larger, company, things sure are changing.

The old VP (who has since left the company) was very straight laced, serious and business-head only.

This new VP, in reference to the changes we are going through and the fact that it is unpleasant said…

“It’s like that old joke…how do you eat sh*t?………very, very fast.”

We were all startled. I think it was a several moment pause before we laughed.

New guy curses a lot. He’s got that engineer sense of humor. And he seems really on top of his game. And he has a potty mouth!

Well ok! I can hang with that. To be honest, that being all serious and business-head was really hard for me to manage!


Another one for the ladies

Look away, boys. No, I’m serious. You want no part of this.

Ladies, I just gotta ask.

How come it is, when I go for my regularly scheduled lady version of the lube-oil-and-filter-change, like a good woman should to care for her female health….

At the end of the session in which I’ve been unspeakably violated by a stranger…

Why is THIS all I get to clean up?

One sad towelette? One? That is not enough to clean up from a deep bbq’d rib dinner much less from the event for which it has been offered…….

And, as a special birthday present from my doctor and my HMO, to celebrate this milestone birthday, *I* get the pleasure of having my boobs dragged across the room then squished between two xray plates.

Gosh, this being forty is fun!



Oh Fair New Mexico…you may serve some of the finest food in the world, but damnit, you have no taste.

I can’t even be surprised. I want to be, but I’m not.

(btw, if you don’t know Las Cruces, Telshor and Lohman is a really prime location)

From the Las Cruces Sun News:

Olive Garden? Really?