I’ve seen the future, and it isn’t pretty
Today it is Odd News, tomorrow it’s a requirement for boarding an airplane….
Today it is Odd News, tomorrow it’s a requirement for boarding an airplane….
I have questions. Lots of them.
Some of those “unexplained issues of the universe.”
I’m sure there are people far smarter than me with very good answers.
But for now, I’m just going to go with a pondering “why?” about the many things I don’t understand.
For example…
Why, when The Feline has finished relieving her bowels and carefully covering it up in the litter box, does she then LEAP from the box and do a couple laps around the house?
I mean at full speed, ears down for less wind resistance, ka-thunka thunk around the place?
Is it because after using the box she feels lighter?
Why does my next-door neighbor put his trash out a day early every week? Our trash day is Thursday and every Wednesday morning he drags out all his cans and recycling. He’s lived over there about three years. He’s a retired guy at home all day, so this isn’t planning ahead. He knows trash day is Thursday, we’ve even talked about it!
And yet, Wednesday morning, there are his trashcans.
Not that it is hurting anything, but WHY?
Why is the mailman so cranky everyday? The man never says hi back.
And further, why do I keep trying to say hello when I know he won’t reply in kind?
Why does my landlord insist on landscaping the yard at my place with only a small hatchet and a chain saw?
No tree, plant or other living thing is immune to his blunt blade approach to landscaping.
Should I send him to bonsai tree school?
(Then again, the fights he and his son have, in both Italian and English, make for much laughter in my house. The son also doesn’t understand his dad’s landscaping philosophy.)
Why can’t I purchase hotdogs and hotdog buns in the same quantities?
Why are Trader Joe’s Joe-Joe peppermint cookies so gall durn delicious?
Why can’t people figure out four way stops?
Why do the manhole covers in my town blast back water when it rains?
Why do I love coffee so much when it is so hard on my tummy?
Why can’t I win the lottery?
And finally…(thought not the complete list by a long shot)
Why can’t that [curse word] woman in Texas realize that her email address is NOT my email address. She has an underscore in her email address. Mine does not. All the same letters, but she uses an underscore. Big, huge difference.
WHY WHY WHY after about two year’s time has she not figured this out?
Last week I shut down her kid’s account on Disney.com (needed parental verification to open the account). Poor kid.
Why can’t she figure this out!?! WHY?!?!?!?
Oh, I mean…
So many unanswered questions. So little time.
So the weather has turned a little frosty here in the Bay Area.
And I really do mean frosty, temps dipped into the low 30’s overnight (unusual for us). We had some freezing rain and snow as low as 500 feet.
Fer crimeny’s sakes, you’d think it was winter or something!
Oh. Nevermind.
Anyhoo, you’ll recall in February of this year, I was beset upon by menopausal coworker harpies screeching to me about my lack of a jacket.
This seems to be an *issue* for people. The fact that I don’t like to wear jackets.
So it cropped up again yesterday. Less screeching, less menopausal.
It was the kind concern of my husband. He wasn’t being a harpy, he was looking out for me, which I appreciate. However…
“Aren’t you cold?” he asked.
And then later.
“Really? You aren’t cold?”
Well, to be honest, yes, I was a skosh cold. For the aggregate of exactly two minutes we were not in the warm car and not yet inside an often too hot building.
For the remaining twenty-three hours and fifty eight minutes of my day, I was in a climate controlled environment with plenty of heaters to keep me toasty. Actually, way too toasty.
So, what I have here, feeling momentary cold, is but a small problem. The big problem, staying warm, is solved.
I can tolerate being cold for about two minutes. (it’s not like I live somewhere where it is SERIOUSLY cold like Canada or Alaska or Switzerland or something!)
I really, truly dislike being inside and dressed too warm and then I have to take layers off and then I’m schlepping around my stuff and worried about leaving a hat or scarf or something somewhere.
I’m forgetful enough with the stuff I do have to carry around, why add to my misery?
I guess I’m the kind of person that will focus on the 98% problem, not the 2% problem.
Or…in this case, two minutes equals .1% of a problem.
So I’m a 99.9% girl, I suppose.
I have no problem with others wearing jackets. I don’t ask people wearing a heavy coat on a summer day “aren’t you hot?”
I suppose if I’m dumb enough to get caught out without a jacket in a really cold situation…well, then my dad was right when he said (only sometimes, when I misbehaved) that I was too dumb to come in out of a rainstorm.
Then again, have you ever frolicked in a really nice New Mexico summer rainstorm? A bit of heaven, I assure you…
But I digress…..
Oh…and as a final thought…the radio stations last night were all warning about outdoor plants freezing and to take precautions. They talked about going to a garden center to buy plant coverings….
I’m sorry, have these people NOT heard of using your sheets and blankets and garbage bags? Do you *really* need to pay big bucks to buy a plant center approved “plant cover”???
What do I expect from a metropolitan area filled with people who will pay someone $100 to put chains on their car when they go skiing.
I believe if you aren’t smart enough to put chains on your car, you shouldn’t be driving in snow.
There. I said it.
This, from the girl who isn’t smart enough to come in out of the rain.
Since I have now taken over the PR storytelling duties for Tiger, you’re next.
So, herewith, five reasonable and acceptable stories to explain your behavior.
Pick one, say it, and then please, on behalf of everyone (I’m asking nicely) go away.
Here we go:
1) Well, you know, that Tareq (Michaele rolls her eyes here), he will *never* ask anyone for directions. I told him I didn’t think turning left back there was the right direction, but he swore up and down this was the right way. We were supposed to be at a nice dinner party over at the Farklebergs. You know the Farklebergs? Lovely couple. Anyhow, I have no idea how we ended up here. Could we get a ride to the Farkleberg party? Margie will be beside herself if we are late! And I know Tareq doesn’t want to miss her famous mini quiches!
2) What? Where am I? Who am I? I was abducted by aliens. The big greenish gray ones. They came into my room, forced me to put on this tux/dress and then there was a bright light. I don’t remember what happened next. When I came to, I was shaking the president’s hand. I really have no idea what happened! I think they may have probed me.
3) Oh heck, haw haw haw, this is all one big practical joke! I mean, everyone was in on it, c’mon, this is all a big press stunt for that reality show (which I’ll refrain from naming)! No seriously, they paid us well and we donated it all to charity. No one snuck past the Secret Service, it was all planned out. Everything is *fine*, hasn’t this all been a great big hoot?
4) Look, now that you have totally blown our cover…we can only say that we are part of a top secret black hole government project and we *may* have perfected the ability to beam ourselves through the space time continuum. It’s not totally perfect yet, Michaele’s face wasn’t quite so pulled back and *tight* when we beamed up, but we’re getting close to a technology that will BLOW YOUR MIND. That’s all I can say. Hush, hush you know.
5) Tiger’s dad told us to. From the grave. It was all very mystical.
And there you have it.
Now scootch along. We’ve other media whores to deal with. Where’s Lindsey or Brittney or Paris? We’re due for a stunt from the professional crazies!
Anyhow, hugs and kisses!
Your pal,
You seem to be having a skosh of trouble recently with your personal life, and you’ve managed to kick over the rock, allowing all the creepy, crawly, greasy things to begin speculating about you in the media.
The PR people say address it fast and be confident about it, then get it out of the way.
Well, you’ve tarried on the “fast” part of it, thus making the frenzy worse.
But now, my friend, you need a good story, and fast.
As I am a teller of stories, I have come up with a list of five stories you can sell to the media and thus get your fabulous self out of trouble.
You can thank me later.
Herewith, five good reasons why Tiger drove his Cadillac into a tree:
1. The baby was sick and I needed to go to an all night pharmacy to get medication. I was so very exhausted, having been up with her all night, that I accidentally ran into that fire hydrant. I had only the best interest of my daughter in mind.
2. I was sleepwalking. I’m seeing a doctor about this debilitating condition. Please respect the privacy of me and my family during this troubling time.
3. I shanked one! Heh, heh, no seriously folks, since my game has been off a bit lately (bad knee and all) and the Chevron World Challenge is coming up, I wanted to go for a drive to clear my head. Perhaps I was thinking a bit too much about my swing and not paying attention to where I was going.
4. My wife and I were having a disagreement. I stepped away to cool off and whoops, the car got away from me. I’ve since realized that my wife is the best thing in my life (thanks for breaking out that window, dear) and from here out I will strive to be a better man, a better husband and a better father. (an invocation of God at this point would really seal the deal)
5. My dad told me to. From the grave. It was a very mystical moment.
See? This isn’t that hard!
C’mon Tiger, give us a good story and put this crap to rest, eh?
Your pal,