Ya Got My Vote!
Whoa Fair New Mexico!
My homestate, feeling quite civic minded on this election day:
Campaign workers caught offering alcohol to voters
Link via Eyewitness News 4, KOB.com
Whoa Fair New Mexico!
My homestate, feeling quite civic minded on this election day:
Campaign workers caught offering alcohol to voters
Link via Eyewitness News 4, KOB.com
So, I’m back in the office after a week in Costa Rica. UK Boss is in country. The pace is back to normal. Whatever that means.
Today I sat down with the boss for a much needed, long over due one-to-one session.
It was about halfway through our hour chat that Boss Man said the words that chilled my soul.
“Right, so I just got the schedule for annual reviews. You’ll need to communicate dates to your staff. Self assessments are due by mid-June.”
Just like that. That’s all he said. Easy, breezy and calm.
Meanwhile, the sound of screeching demons and terror howls echoed in my mind.
Yes, it’s that time of year: Performance reviews.
I’ve been doing this manager gig for most of a decade, and still, performance reviews are the hardest thing I have to do every year.
Mainly because I don’t just blow them off and write canned phrases. I actually put in a lot of work on my performance reviews for my team.
I give performance reviews the way I wish they were done for me.
But never are.
That said, just because I care about them. Just because I put in effort. Just because they matter does not mean I actually enjoy writing them.
It’s hard work. Add to that, since I am a middle of the pack manager and not the big boss, I don’t get the set the raises and bonuses. I give input on my team but someone else makes the budget.
So I get to convey raises and bonuses that someone else has decided.
And they so rarely match what my employees deserve.
So I have to write a performance review to match the budget and not the actual performance of the employee.
Often, this can be the least gratifying thing I do all year.
That said, performance reviews are one of the things that separate the wheat from the chaff, the men from the mice, the mangers from the dilettantes.
Writing and delivering a meaningful performance review is what makes me a better manager. I think.
Oh, and in other news, my boss attended some up with people type of training class last week. I said to him “Hey boss, I’m having a problem with this risk assessment.”
“No Karen, as I just learned in my training, there are no problems, only opportunities.”
The fact that I didn’t take that opportunity to kick him in the shins shows the power of my personal and professional growth over the last year.
I’m sure that will show up as a positive on my performance review this year.
Opportunities my ass…….
Just outside the town of Oñate, New Mexico, there is a statue of Don Juan de Oñate. According to the stories told by locals, this fellow wasn’t exactly a nice guy. He was known for, among other things, cutting the feet off the local Acoma Indians.
So when a statue was put up depicting the explorer near the town of Oñate, someone cut off his right foot and left a note saying “fair is fair.”
That truly New Mexico story has always amused me greatly. Mostly because so many people will quote history as though it is gospel truth. History books will say that Oñate was a great explorer and settler of many towns. A founding father, I guess, but not everyone agrees.
History depends on who is telling it.
I was reminded of this bit of statue-based controversy when I visited the town of Alajuela, which is Costa Rica’s second largest city. We stopped off there on the way to visit the Poas Volcano.
My friend and coworker who took me for the ride was raised in Alajuela, so she wanted to show me the town and the beautiful central park and Catholic church in the plaza.
We also visited the nearby park created to honor Juan Santamaria, Costa Rica’s national hero.
My friend is a very proud Costa Rican, so she walked me over to the statue so I could see.
Here it is:
As we gazed up at the statue, my friend laughed.
“It’s wrong,” she said.
As I’d spent the week trying to traverse English and Spanish, I thought I’d misheard her. So I said “what?”
She laughed harder. “The statue. It’s wrong.”
“What do you mean?”
So she told me the story as she’d learned in school. Roughly that Juan Santamaria had set fire to a building containing soldiers from Nicaragua, and by doing so (and dying in the act) it allowed Costa Rica to gain an advantage and win the battle.
However, she continued, Santamaria was only a boy, not a man, as depicted in the statue. He wasn’t actually a soldier, as depicted. And notoriously, he was unarmed when he went forward to set fire to the hotel where the other soldiers were holed up.
The only accurate part of the statue is the torch.
Other than that, it’s all wrong.
“But we love it anyway,” she laughed. “He’s our hero.”
History is in the eye of the beholder, but national pride is enduring.
Photo Copyright 2012, Karen Fayeth, and subject to the Creative Commons license in the far right corner of this page. Taken with an iPhone 4s and the Camera+ app.
That’s a very popular question, I’ve found, among the people of Asia. It is like a badge of courage to pay a visit to many of the closely grouped countries.
There is a lot of hometown pride there, and I think I can appreciate that. (ahem, note the title of my blog fercrimenysakes)
As mentioned, my purpose for traveling to Singapore was to meet with a very large supplier who works almost like an aggregator. On this trip I was to meet individually with the representatives of fourteen different Asian countries and companies.
Without fail, after introduction, one of the first questions I was asked was “So, have you ever visited my country?”
Since this was not only my first trip to Asia, but my first international trip ever, the answer was always going to be no.
I felt that simply saying no straight out is a conversation stopper. Instead of saying no, I tried to find some way to create a common bond to keep the flow going.
So, for example, when the two ladies visiting from Malaysia asked me if I’d ever visited their country, I replied “No, but my brother lives in Kuala Lumpur.”
“Oh!” they replied, and suddenly we had some basis for common ground.
When asked by the gentlemen from Japan, I replied, “I have not, but my husband has spent some time there and found it to be just beautiful.”
“Oh? Yes!” they replied and we spoke of Tokyo and snow monkeys and moved with ease into business.
But there were two instances of this conversation that really stick with me, now some two weeks hence.
First was the conversation I had with the two gentlemen from Pakistan. We spoke, carefully at first, and later without hesitation, about the many troubles the country of Pakistan is facing and the challenges this causes us doing business together.
One of the two men had gone to university in Australia, so he’d spent time in the Western world and got the chance to step back and see his country with different eyes.
“Do you think you would ever visit my country?” he asked, then said, “It’s very beautiful.”
I smiled and said, “I would like very much to see your country.” Then I looked him square in the eye. “Let me be very candid. Do you think it would be safe for me to make a visit?”
He paused, tried to smile, but a sadness washed over his face.
“I’m sorry to say this, but right now probably isn’t a good time. It’s very difficult for Westerners and especially Americans. I have a hard enough time explaining to my children why these people who do things I don’t understand make it so that I can only go to work and then go home. We never go out because any event like sports or a concert are just too dangerous.”
We were quiet for a moment.
I felt his sadness and I cannot even begin to imagine what that must be like. I really would like to visit Pakistan, to see the beautiful country he described. I often wonder if that could ever happen in my lifetime.
It seems unlikely.
And the other…
I sat at a table with three men from South Korea. One an older man, probably in his 50’s with very limited English skills. The other two were young, probably in their mid to late 20’s with full K-pop hair and dark rimmed glasses.
They were a funny trio, much like a dad and his two kids. One young man spoke pretty good English and he became the spokesperson.
“Have you ever been to my country?” he asked.
I smiled, and stopped to think if I knew anyone among my friends or family who had visited South Korea.
Yes. There is one. My dad.
He was in the Air Force and is a veteran of the Korean War.
Well, I didn’t say that to these men as talk of war, even among allies, isn’t always the best fodder for conversation.
But this fact hit bottom in my soul. I realized…What a difference a generation makes.
It took me a moment to regain my mojo. I smiled and said “No, but my plane will stop at the Incheon Airport on the way home.”
They smiled back.
“You know, that airport isn’t actually in Incheon,” the young man said.
“Oh?” I replied. “That’s like San Francisco. The airport is actually some distance away.”
“I’d like very much to visit San Francisco” he said, and we were back on track.
But I can’t stop replaying that conversation in my memory.
It’s actually rather meaningful.
Every one of the fourteen face-to-face meetings I had was deeply powerful and incredibly worthwhile.
Each group expressed their gratitude that I had traveled such a long distance in order to meet with them.
The travel was good for my program and good for my company.
It was good for me personally, too.
Those fourteen conversations held on the 21st floor of a towering highrise on a sweltering Spring day in Singapore left a lasting impression on my soul.
I look at the world a little differently now.
All that learning to be had just on the other side of a passport stamp.
To my credit, I didn’t ask a single person “So, have you ever visited New Mexico?”
I thought about it, though.
Today I joined in with sites like Google, Reddit, Wikipedia, and NewMexiKen by blacking out my site in protest of SOPA and PIPA.
I did this with a LOT of mixed emotions.
Regular readers will remember that last February I had one of my photographs swiped by the San Francisco Giants organization. They deliberately cropped off the copyright watermark and used my image for a Valentine’s Day ecard.
One little blogger up against an MLB Franchise.
I was unhappy, and then I had to become Zen about it.
With that in mind, I seriously believe SOMETHING needs to be done about IP theft on the internet.
To quote the well known New Mexican pundit, Heath Haussamen, on his site NMPolitics.net:
“While protecting intellectual property rights is a worthy goal, this legislation is not the way to do it.”
As originally drafted, the legislation was, in my opinion, “right idea, wrong implementation.”
As of yesterday, the White House said that bills in that current state would get vetoed, and so perhaps there is hope.
It’s hard for me to trust that this current sitting Congress will do the right thing when partisan squabbles separate them on almost every issue imaginable.
So for now we wait, and hope that the needs of IP protection and the needs of free speech can find a comfortable place to meet. And maybe have a cup of coffee and a scone.
Find out more at americancensorship.org or the video below.