Ouch. That stings.
Did they really have to use the theme song from my senior prom?
(47 second video on YouTube)
Did they really have to use the theme song from my senior prom?
(47 second video on YouTube)
Currently, at the building across the way, there are some gentlemen hard at work putting a new roof on the two-story structure.
Roofing has got to be some grueling, backbreaking work, and they’ve been toiling at this for a few days now.
About an hour ago, all work went quiet over there. I thought maybe they were on a break. They weren’t on a break.
It appears they were having a little conference. What they’d call in the corporate world, a “root cause analysis”.
I suspect they discovered what, or rather, whom was at the center of the mistake, because I could then hear the supervisor of this project having a one-on-one mentoring conversation, loudly, with his employee.
Let’s keep this a family friendly post…for all the instances of the eff word, I will substitute a more appropriate word.
Oh let’s have fun with it, let’s use the word “hamburger.”
Here we go, a faithful recounting of this clearly very hands on and empathetic manager as he guides his employee through a big error.
Remember: hamburger = eff word
“You hamburgered up. You hamburgered this whole thing up. I didn’t hamburger up. All the rest of these hamburgering guys didn’t hamburger this thing up. What in the hamburgering hell were you thinking? You weren’t thinking and you hamburgered this hamburgering thing all to hell. What the hamburger, man?! What the hamburger happened?”
: sound of employee mumbling, trying to explain his reason for hamburgering everything up :
“You what? You what? Who the hamburger told you to do that? I sure as hell didn’t hamburgering tell you to do that! Now this whole hamburgering project is running behind and that costs hamburgering money? Do you get that? Do get that you’ve cost every hamburgering one of us some hamburgering time and some hamburgering money?”
: more mumbling :
“Aw man, what the hamburger. Get back to work!”
And with that, all the machines started up again, the smell of tar once again filled the air, and the team of folks got back to roofing.
This, among the many reasons why I feel so fortunate to be able to work a white collar gig. I’m pretty hamburgering sure that if my boss ever talked to me that way, I’d have a pretty good hamburgering lawsuit I’d think about.
A journey through the soul, told in the chosen format of crappy iPhone photos.
Oh coffee. How I love you so. (Yes, I know the cup is empty. It didn’t last long. I slurped that thing through that pretty blue straw and uttered an “aaaaah” when finished.)
Yes, I love you oh so much. Sadly, you don’t love me in return. You leave my stomach acidy, my esophagus crying out for relief and my adrenals asking for a nice day off.
It is a star-crossed love affair. And a fairly one sided love.
Ice cream, oh ice cream! Rich, creamy, frosty, tasty ice cream. How I adore you as you caress my mouth with your sugary creamy goodness.
But as much as I love you, you don’t love me back the same way. You leave me phlegmy. Also, all that sugar doesn’t help my already acidy tummy.
And you always seem to take up residence on my already poochy belly and round hips.
Damn you ice cream, for being so tantalizing and so not good for me!
Cheese! My sweet longtime lover, cheese! You and I go back to the early years. Remember all the grilled cheese sandwiches we shared? Sprinkling you over enchiladas and broiling until bubbly? Remember when I’d just hack off a slice and eat you as you are, because you and I are so simpatico like that?
Truly, you aren’t terrible for me when enjoyed in moderation, but how can I possibly enjoy your delicious goodness in moderation! No, I indulge too much in my love and you join ice cream on my hips.
It’s cruel, cheese, just too cruel. I mean, after all we’ve shared!!
Ah full fat ranch. You tempting, tempting fella. You flirt with me. Wink your little bottled dressing eye and beg me to partake.
Much like cheese, a little occasionally, fine. But who can have a *little* and why occasionally?
But you mock me. You taste so yum and then you turn on me and do mean things!
It’s not right! I love you so much, why can’t you show me a little kindness?
What’s this? Oh, hey lettuce. What are you doing here? Hmm, yeah, uh, nice to see you too.
I have what can certainly be described as kind regards for you. I’m sure you’re a very nice comestible.
You just don’t…turn me on.
But you seem to *adore* me. Oh sure, you treat me so nice, giving me nutrients and not settling on my hips. Providing energy and fiber and you are such a hair parted down the middle, church on Sunday, help little old ladies across the street nice sweet gentle food.
It’s just…I don’t *want* nice!
I want wild! And passionate! And fascinating and rich complex textures!
I want to run with the bad kids and cut class and down twinkies and potato chips and stick my tongue out at “health” experts!
I want….I want…..
Hey, hey good lookin’…..what’s your name? Wanna run around with me and coffee?
Oh, wait, who is that over there? Well hellooooo handsome!
Wanna take a walk on the beach, hand in hand, and watch the sun set? Wouldn’t that be a nice way to spend some time together?
I know I’m flirting…I can’t help it!
Oh wait, what’s this?
Oh crap. That’s not playing fair…
Hellloooooo lover!
This morning when I arrived at work, the elevator doors slid open quietly, and from the car emerged a very pretty young girl wearing these *really* adorable gray Louboutin or Blahnik or some such with a very tall heel.
She lurched forward, took a step on the marble floor, her ankle gave way, she stumbled, got her balance back, and then galumphed with a clack clack sound the rest of the way out and into the foyer.
And I thought to myself: Rookie!
Terrible, I know. But really, if you are going to wear the heels, you oughta know how to walk in them.
In my mother’s day, they wore three to four inch stilettos every single day! And those women could walk a mile in those things. Hell, many women of that era got to the point they couldn’t even put their heels flat on the floor anymore, so used to wearing high heels were their legs and tendons.
Even that bastion of shoe goddessness, Carrie Bradshaw, knew how to walk in her way in overpriced but delicious shoes. C’mon girls! If ya gonna wear ’em, wear ’em well!
Then I realized that all these thoughts are all kind of ironic, because over the weekend, I was out shopping. I stopped at the shoe department for a look-see. I was drawn to the rack of comfy, padded, mostly flat shoes.
And I thought to myself: At what point did I migrate over to comfortable shoes only? Did I consent to this?
In defiance of myself, I tried on a really cute pair of heels. I walked around in them (no rookie, me), then was like “eh. Why?” Ripped them off, put my comfy shoes back on, and kept shopping. For something with a waistband that’s not too binding.
edit: Good lord…I’ve had these thoughts before. Same outcome. Really, this whole shoe issue is plaguing me on a deep level. I need help. Retail therapy at least!
Oh Fair New Mexico…you may serve some of the finest food in the world, but damnit, you have no taste.
I can’t even be surprised. I want to be, but I’m not.
(btw, if you don’t know Las Cruces, Telshor and Lohman is a really prime location)
From the Las Cruces Sun News:
Olive Garden? Really?