New Mexifail!
Whoooo! Some homestate love once more on the Failblog!
Oh Fair New Mexico!!!
Wait. That’s not the shape of New Mexico.
I know, I know…the *name* of the company is New Mexico Soap. But…it’s still confusing.
Maybe the label could be…”State Shaped Soap, brought to you by New Mexico Soap” or something similar to avoid the perils of the Failblog?
For the record, the people at New Mexico Soap also carry this little product:
There ya go! That’s the right shape! They left off that little jut up near Oklahoma, but that’s ok.
I’m sure the people who live up in the jut (uh, that would be round about Clayton, NM) don’t mind being left off the soap. Much.
By the by, this is not the only New Mexico fail on the failblog. Here’s the one I posted back in October.