And then there were three.
Was sad to read in the ABQjournal today that it looks like Bill Richardson is giving up his run at the Presidency.
I had rather hoped that he could hang in there at least until Super Tuesday. I had wanted to look down at my ballot and see a New Mexican’s name there. Don’t know if I would have voted for him (I might have).
I think he made a valiant run as the underdog in a race with some big names. He raised the visibility of New Mexico, for both better and worse, in my humble opinion. It hurts to hear on the news about what a poverty state NM is, how low are the test scores in the schools, etc. I know it’s true, but I hate hearing it blared out on national news.
It seems that Bill has gotten on the fighting side of the Clintons too. I’m sure that was a calculated move but I’m not savvy enough to work it out.
For now, I’m sorry to hear that the Governor of Oh Fair New Mexico is stepping out.
I give him applause for making a run at it.
And now, onward.
In a side note…I’m consoling myself today with the news that one of the candidates I’m considering from my open job is a graduate of NMSU. If I can’t New Mexicanize the country, I can start locally! heh!
Update to add an image. Now is that Larry? Or Moe? Wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh!!!!!