About Author

Karen Fayeth

I’m kind of having a day like this, too.

A Milwaukee man was accused of shooting his lawn mower because it wouldn’t start.

“He told police quote, ‘I can do that, it’s my lawn mower and my yard so I can shoot it if I want.'”

Darn tootin’, you can! Except for those pesky police!

Thankfully for my coworkers, I posses neither a lawnmower nor a shotgun.

But I might whing a mighty ballpoint pen at my computer screen.

I’ll do it too!

Yeah, baby!

week·end (wēk’ěnd’)

n. The end of the week, especially the period from Friday evening through Sunday evening.

I’m in need of one of them thar things. ^^

Boss Lady remains on vacation but work rambles on.

Wedding Plans have hit Code Orange. High Alert, people. We’re down to the remaining few weeks. Last minute stuff is last-minuting.

The Good Man and I are still getting along, so that’s good. I am not a Bridezilla. He’s not a Groomzilla. Mainly, we’re just two adults gonna throw a nice party.


Justifiable SmackDownacide

In an attempt to get through this long afternoon, I took one crisp dollar bill to the vending machine and procured one each plain Hershey Bar.

As I turned to walk back to my desk, the Office Nosy Nelly was standing there.

Of course she was.

As I walked back to my desk, she shouted down the hall “YOU CAN’T EAT THAT! YOU NEED PUT THAT BACK!”

“No,” I replied.


“Your issue with chocolate is not my problem,” I said.

“LOOK, THERE’S NEAL AT THE END OF THE HALL, GIVE HIM THAT THING SO YOU DON’T EAT IT” (yes, she’s still shouting, trying to shame me).

I looked at Neal and said, “Sorry bro, you ain’t getting my chocolate.”

So why exactly do people think it’s their right to tell someone what they can and can’t eat?

Please present this blog entry to the jury. Thanks.

Watery eyes, sweating and that "whooooo" sound in…


“Adam Lagesse, 25, a produce manager for H.E.B., a supermarket chain out of Austin, Texas, bites into a green chile pod Wednesday as he and other Texas grocers toured a field in Salem, N.M., north of Hatch. They were learning how the green chile industry operates so they can better market the vegetable grown in New Mexico to their consumers.”

From the Las Cruces Sun News.

When the Cat’s away the Mice will…


The Boss Lady is on vacation today and tomorrow. So w00t!

She got on a plane this morning headed for Indiana, so, having made that agonizing, exhausting, necessary journey before, I figure except for a few iPhone email check-ins, she’ll pretty much have no idea what I’m up to today.

I cc’d her on a few emails this morning, just for good measure, but other than that… I’m pretty much value subtracted to the company today.

So that means I have plenty of time to blog.

Wonder what I should write about?

: tap tap tap :


: ponder, ponder :

Maybe I’ll just pop over to TMZ.com to see what’s doing.


Quote of the Day

From a high level meeting I attended at work, during which we had an hour long debate about a difficult and political situation regarding budgets (if you haven’t done the corporate thang, then know that nothing gets hackles raised like budget conversations).

At the end of the meeting, the Financial Analyst said to the Senior Director,

“So, do I make it so?”

“No.” He replied, sternly. “Make it subtle.”

I had to write it down, it was just so good.