A Berry Punny Theme Thursday

Today’s Theme Thurday theme is: produce.

So let’s produce the produce! (<- see what I did there?)

Photos taken in my cafeteria at work with my iPhone4s and the Hipstamatic app……and in the middle of an extraordinarily busy day.

Theme Thurday waits for no BossMan, no matter how demanding.

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  • Mrsupole

    That must be a very healthy cafeteria at your work if they are using such fine produce. I like radishes, and those purple ones for some reason look very tasty. And I wonder if the kiddies would like cauliflower just a tad more if it was as colorful as these in your picture.

    Now I feel like I need to go find me some colorful produce and just look at how beautiful they are. Well at least a few radishes anyway.

    I love your line about how Theme Thursday waits for no BossMan. That is too funny since you are all the BossMan’s.

    Thanks for playing this week, happy TT.

    God bless.

    • Karen Fayeth

      Mrsupole – I gotta say, those radishes look amazing, even in person. The cafeteria is able to make magic with veggies, both on display and in the kitchen.


      Thanks for swinging by the blog!

  • Ephraim F. Moya


    Does your cafeteria produce those displays of colorful produce for you to eat or are they a product of the kitchen decoratoring department’s production team for producing a pleasant ambiance in the dining room through displayed produce?

    Does anyone actually EAT the artwork?

    El Viejo

    • Karen Fayeth

      Ephraim – Good question, and I’ve wondered the same. I don’t have an answer. I need to find someone to ask….

  • Anji

    I’m glad everone else is asking the same question, I suppose that they are different varieties. If they decorate like that the food must be good and healthy

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