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  • DawnC

    VERY GOOD INDEED! I wish I could have heard the sounds of the city erupting last night! The parade should be stellar.

  • Karen Fayeth

    Dawn – Hi Five!

    Informed my boss this morning that I'm not going to be at work tomorrow (parade day). He said he understood.

  • Lucky

    Have fun at the parade!

  • Karen Fayeth

    Lucky – Woooo! Thank you!

    Taking the camera. Hoping for some good stuff!

  • Jeremy from We Took The Bait

    Congrats to the Giants!

    I heard on the radio today that Renteria, game-winning-homer guy Renteria, played the ENTIRE SERIES, and the ENTIRE CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES with atorn tendon in his bicep.

    That's dedication.

    And, we'll be back for the pennant next year… if Chase Utley stops hitting like Steve Jeltz.

  • Karen Fayeth

    Jeremy – Get this…the biceps tendon was torn and he was put on the DL.

    And then…..the tendon TORE COMPLETELY AWAY FROM THE BONE.

    Evidently that felt much better, so he started playing again.

    What. The. Fword?

    Yeah, guy with no bicep attached to his right arm hit the World Series winning home run.


    You are lucky to root for such a consistently amazing baseball team. I've no doubts the Phils will make everyone pay next year! (Ya'll gotta get Howard hitting again too. That guy is awesome!)

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