
Yeah, yeah, I haven’t blogged in FOUR days.

I have no one but myself to blame.


Ah, tttthpthhhht to that!

We don’t need no stinkin’ goals.

Ok yes, we do. Or we, ahem, I, tend to wander a little off course.


There is a lot going on in my little world these days. Details to come. But for now, suffice to say, it’s a good thing summer days run long, because I have a lot to try to cram into those daylight hours!

By the by, thanks to the good people at the San Francisco Zoo (follow them on Twitter! @sfzoo) for the fun this past weekend!

We celebrated the first birthday of my littlest goddaughter in style!

I’ll post a picture of her adorable self, but I have to ask her parents permission first!

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