Same planet, different world

Today I’m shamelessly ripping off something found over at the awesome blog Duke City Fix.

Read a brief story today ’bout them crazy Londoners…..road closures and evacuations because a Thai restaurant was cooking up some spicy chiles. Called out the fire brigade and the chemical response team, they did.

Best line in the story: “firefighters smashed down the door of the Thai Cottage restaurant and seized extra-hot bird’s eye chilies”

Here’s hoping they didn’t seize them barehanded then later seize something while in the loo. Ouch.

Heh. They’d think Sept/Oct in New Mexico was all out warfare! Don’t go to the grocery store, mate. You’ll be a goner for sure! :)

Oh Fair New Mexico, 5000 miles away from London, and yet a world apart.

Happy Friday!

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