Ramble On
More Unconscious Mutterings free association fun for the post-Easter Monday morning blahs.
- Squid :: When handed to an experienced chef in an Italian restaurant and made into Calimari frittata? Yes please!
- Wife :: A descriptor I still can’t get used to.
- Promising :: On Friday I had to renew my driver’s license. The DMV I went to was dull, gray and windowless. That said, there were plenty of young kids in line to take their written tests to get their learner permits. For them, those government gray walls held something rather promising. For me…drudgery.
- Tingle :: What happened when I used The Good Man’s “invigorating body wash” containing peppermint oil. Peppermint oil + lady parts = no
- Off balance :: Me. Daily. Gravity and I don’t get along.
- Nice :: What everyone calls me. “Oh that Karen is so nice!” If they only knew the evil that lurks within my mind. I’m just too polite to act on any of it. Which is why they call me nice.
- Honor :: One of those phrases you hope you never have to respond to: “How do you plead?” Always reply,”Not guilty, your honor.”
- Emphatic :: Helps if you are rather emphatic when you say it, too.
- Siren :: Here’s something I don’t miss from back home in New Mexico: the tornado siren. It freaked me when they even tested the damn thing. My family’s tenure in Carlsbad was fraught with that sound. brr!
When I visited Hawaii, I didn’t know they tested the Tsunami siren once a month. I’d taken off at a sprint before a nice bystander told me the deal.
- Plated :: With this whole boom in the celebrity chef, one term that’s now in the vernacular is the term plated, as in “oh I love how the chef plated this entrĂ©e.” It seems like an abomination of the English language. Not that I’m above abusing the language a little now and again. Can’t explain why this particular use just bugs me. Though doesn’t annoy me as much as “yum-o,” which should get the speaker of that phrase summarily kicked in the shin.
Ok, done rambling, verbally shambling, and linguistically wandering.
That there’s a visual pun…it’s a Rambler. The 1968 version. My folks used to own a Rambler. It got stuck in the mud up in the mountains of Cuba, NM. Good memory.
Ur Bro
Remember Dad spending a Saturday afternoon roasting Hatch green chile and did not bother to wash his hands before he went off to the rest room? Green chile+ man parts =no.
Karen Fayeth
Um, green chile oil and ANYONE’s parts, or eyes, or nose = no