Pass the cake!

Feliz CumpleaƱos para my blog!

Yup, it was a year ago today that I kicked off my little New Mexico blog, unsure if I was going to make it past a few months.

Here I am one year and 233 posts later, going as strong as ever.

I’ve learned a lot on this road.

Blogging is harder than it looks.

Before I’d get pissy when my fave bloggers didn’t post something every day. Now, I’m a lot more understanding. It’s no small feat to have something to say every day.

Also, it’s made me a bit more microscopic in my view of the world (not like I needed any help in that department). Most everything I see in my life is a potential blog topic.

Even The Good Man will comment, “hey, you could blog about that”.

It’s also given me some writing discipline. I can crank out words, and that’s cool.

More confidence too, in my writing.

And best of all, I’ve met some new online friends who’ve been helpful to me with ideas, suggestions, and support.

Plus it has made my feline an internet celeb! :)

If my blog were a person, I’d give this little one year old a cake and let the face mashing good times begin.


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  • NewMexiKen

    Happy Birthday!

  • Becci

    Congrats …. and Happy Birthday!

  • Natalie

    Happy B-Birthday!

    Cake and champagne sounds wonderful.

    You are not missing anything, here in the ol’ Duke city.
    Winds. We’ve got winds.
    And tumblin’ tumbleweeds.
    And sand in our orifices (orifi? orifix? Okay… holes.)
    And juniper is outta control.

    I was wrong.

    Green chile (chili? chilly?) does not cure everything.

    Almost, but no jalapeno.

    Glad to count you as one of those “internet” friends.

  • Avelino

    Hooray birthday! And sheesh, good output during your first year, very good!

    Your site is a great stop, and I’ve loved how easily your stories relate to experiences I’ve had in the Bay area and in New Mexico.


  • Karen Fayeth

    NewMexiKen, becci, Natalie and Avelino, thanks so much for the good thoughts! I appreciate it!

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