Let All Who Pass Here Know

So let’s say you and the spouse are talking, and you say “Hey honey, why don’t we gather up the kids and make a trip to that happenin’ place, San Francisco, Californey.”

Why, it’s an end-of-summer vacation destination.

And so you book the airline and find a hotel and plan your visit.

On behalf of the Bay Area, there’s a few things we’d like you to know.

1) First, thank you. We are happy to have you come and visit! Please, spend your hard earned dollars in our economy. We could use the help.

2) We have some of the best food anywhere. Please stay away from the chain restaurants and try a local place. You’ll be glad you did.

3) Everyone appreciates how difficult it is to navigate our geographically limited city located at the end of a peninsula, so don’t be a’feared to ask for directions. Most locals have been lost here a few times too.

4) No one calls it “Frisco.” Maybe a few people call it “San Fran.” You could probably get by with an “S.F.” Refer to San Francisco as “The City” and you’ll be doing just fine.

5) Bring your camera and don’t be shy about taking snaps. It’s hard to take a bad photo.

6) Oh, and lastly and most importantly, this is what the weather is like in August:

Just for reference, the exif data on this photograph reports it was taken at 12:08:14 pm on Sunday, August 8, 2010. In case you can’t tell, that’s part of the north tower of the Golden Gate Bridge.

I’m just sayin’.

Don’t pack your shorts, tshirts and a pair of flip-flops for a trip to “sunny California.” Pack pants, socks and a jacket. You’ll be glad you did.

Also, know this…San Francisco is one of the most beautiful cities you’ll ever know.

Come on out ya’ll! Enjoy! We’re happy to have ya!

Photos by Karen Fayeth taken from the Marin side of the bridge. Many, many tourists were endured in the making of these and many other photographs.

(What all this language below means is that I took and I own the photographs posted here. If you’d like to borrow them, you have to do me the favor of giving me credit for the photo and posting a link back to this page. That’s all. Fair enough? I think so.)

Creative Commons License
Word and images in this blog post titled “Let All Who Pass Here Know” by Karen Fayeth is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

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  • Avelino

    You know, when I lived in Sunnyvale, I was always surprised at the different climate between the lower peninsula and San Fransisco etc. I remember catching a concert outdoors (at night) in Mountain View during the summer, and it was quite pleasant out.

    But yeah, good advice for guests!

  • Alan Macfarlane

    I love "Frisco."

    I spent a couple days there about 20 years ago. I'd love to go back and really dive into the city.

    My employer is headquartered in San Jose, with the marketing office in SF. I haven't tricked them into flying me out there for any reason yet.

    Lastly, be nice to Alex Smith. He's our boy over here in Utah.

  • Karen Fayeth

    Avelino – Ah yes, Sunnyvale. Lived there myself. Like a universe apart from the City.

    All bets are off for visitors to the South Bay!


  • Karen Fayeth

    Alan – That's all right, Utah Boy, you call it Frisco. We'll point and laugh at you. No problem! :)

    Ah Alex. Poor kid. He's got a lot on his shoulders with expectations he can fix an ailing franchise. Never stood a chance.

    I like the kid. I feel bad for him.

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